"marriage heretofore solemnized between your Highness and the Lady Catherine, bring before lawful wife to Prince Arthur, your elder brother, which by him was carnally known"
Specifically excludes Mary
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1536 Second Succession Act
"VIII. The order of succession is set as Henry's male heirs by Queen Jane, his male heirs 'by any other lawful wife', his female heirs by Queen Jane, and his female heirs by any future wife"
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1553 Edward VI's Letters Patent for the Limitation
"being limited by authority of Parliament as is aforesaid to the said Lady Mary and Lady Elizabeth, being illegitimate and not lawfully begotten"
In the same year that Act of Parliament from 1533 would be repealed.
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1569 Darlington Proclamation
Enemies are "diverse newe set up nobles abut the Quenes Majesty, [who] have and do dailie, not only go about to overthrow and put down the ancient nobilitie of this realme, but also have misused the Queens Majesties owne personne"
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