- Created by: ancyaugustine321
- Created on: 08-02-16 18:45
What is it?
•The Foundation Licence is the first of three UK levels: Foundation, Intermediate and Full
History of Amateur Radio
Dates back over 100 years
The London Wireless Club, now the RSGB launched over one hundred years ago
Amateurs were heavily involved with reception of enemy messages in World War II
Originally used Morse code, followed by voice
Used to save lives in the 1953 floods
Played an important part in the 1982 Falklands War
The Radio Spectrum
- Broadcast radio and TV
- Mobile phones
- Emergency services
- Military
- Aviation
- Maritime
- Space exploration
- Businesses / Taxis
- Satellites / GPS
- Wi-fi and Bluetooth
- Baby monitors
- Cordless phones
- CCTV / Security systems
- PMR / Walkie-talkies
Frequency Allocation
HF: 3MHz to 30MHz
VHF: 30MHz to 300MHz
UHF: 300MHz to 3000MHz
Amateur Allocation
- Amateurs have several frequency bands that we are allowed to use
- The table is published in “Foundation Licence Now” (and with the exam)
- Some frequencies are shared with “primary users”
- We cannot cause interference with other services
Frequency & Wavelength
•Amateurs refer to bands by frequencies and wavelength
•A VHF frequency of 145MHz has a wavelength of 2 metres
HF: 7MHz = 40m
14MHz = 20m
145MHz = 2m
UHF: 430MHz = 70cms
Transmitters & RECEIVERs
•Block Diagrams •Modulation Types •Station Setup
A radio transmitter
A radio transmitter has four basic stages:
- 1. Audio Stage
- Gets and amplifies weak signals from the microphone
- 2. Frequency Generator
- Creates the radio signal on the right frequency
- 3. Modulator
- Mixes the radio and audio signals together
- 4. RF Power Amplifier
- Increases the combined signal and feeds to the antenna
Transmitter Block Diagram
1: Audio Stage
2: Modulator (More on this shortly)
3: Frequency Generator (also referred to as an Oscillator)
4: RF Power Amplifier
Receiver Basics
A radio receiver has three basic stages:
1. Tuning / RF Amplifier
Tunes into the required frequency
Amplifies the weak signal so that it can be used
2. Detector
Extracts the audio from the radio signal. Often called “demodulation”
There are different types of detector for each modulation type
3. Audio Amplifier
Amplifies the audio and feeds it to a loudspeaker or headphones
Receiver Block Diagram
1: Tuning and RF Amplifier
2: Detector (also referred to as a “De-modulator”)
3: Audio Amplifier
Amplitude Modulation (AM)
Audio signal
Modulated signal
Frequency Modulation (FM)
Audio Signal
Modulated signal
Morse & Data
CW: Tones generated using a Morse key
Data: Audio tones generated via a computer soundcard or a TNC (Terminal Node Controller)
CW Audio
CW Signal
At Foundation, you can only use commercially-purchased transmitters (no construction)
You must only transmit on allocated frequencies and must not exceed permitted power levels
‘Over-modulating’ or ‘Over-deviating’ may result in interference to other channels as well as poor audio quality. Take care with audio levels (microphone gain, shouting, data signals from a computer)
You must stay in-band, not cause interference, and test your transmitters “from time to time”.
Station Setup
Power Supply
Transceiver (transmitter & receiver)
SWR Meter
RF Filter
Voltage & Current
High voltage carries a risk of electrocution
High current carries a risk of overheating and fire
Take care with mains-powered equipment (230V AC)
Switch off and unplug equipment before working on it
Take care with batteries and avoid short circuits. Even a low voltage battery can overheat and cause a fire.
Electrocution: Disconnect the power immediately. Ensure power off before touching victim. Summon medical help
Mains Plugs
Brown: Live
Blue: Neutral
Yellow/Green: Earth
Plug / cable undamaged
Correct value fuse (P = V x I)
Avoid whiskers
Flex secured
Earth connections prevent metalwork becoming ‘live’ in fault conditions
Don’t mix the mains earth with the RF earth
‘PME’ - Protective Multiple Earthing
Be aware of “PME”. Some homes use this – the neutral and earth are connected. Out-of-scope for this course, but be aware of the term.
RF Burns
Can be very nasty, and the effects are not always felt immediately
Do not touch antenna whilst transmitting
Insulated wires, such as antenna and feeder cable, can still give an RF burn
Be careful when wearing watches, rings, etc. near RF
Shack Safety
Ensure your shack has a single, clearly-marked ‘OFF’ switch
Exercise care when using and storing tools
Take care when using headphones – loud noise can damage your hearing. Damage can be cumulative
Trailing wires are a trip hazard
Avoid liquids near equipment
Antenna Safety
Avoid overhead cables and phone lines
Secure antennas and feeder safely, insuring no accidental contact
Care when using a ladder (ladder secured,wear a hard hat)
At least one adult must be present
Risk of lightning strike on high antennas
Do not touch an antenna whilst transmitting
Outdoor Safety
Car batteries:
High current, danger of overheating, corrosive acid
Risk of tripping over cables
Risk of overhead wires
In-car: Unsecured equipment; distractions ; use hands-free equipment
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