RE Community Cohesion
Religious Studies - Community Cohesion
- Created by: Rona Lichtensteiger
- Created on: 29-10-09 16:33
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
UK as a multi-ethnic society
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
- UK has always been a multi-ethnic society i.e. Romans, Celts, Saxons, Normans are all ancestors
- UK has always offered people freedom from persecution and political asylum e.g. Jews escaping Hitler
- British Empire - citizens allowed to settle, slaves automatically freed on entry to UK
- Commonwealth immigration 1950's- labour shortage workers fought in WW2 e.g. Gurkhas now able to become UK residents
- EU - extension enabled a large influx of people from the Eastern Europe to visit, work and live in the UK
- In UK 7.9% is ethnic minority
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
Problems caused by discrimination and racism
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
- Prejudice - no jobs given to members of different religions or certain ethnic groups e.g Orthodox Jews
- People are refused accommodation
- Education - prejudice of teachers limits success for pupils and students can be downgraded or excluded from school
- Discrimination by Police - 'Stop and Search policy can be excessive in some ethnic and religious communities because of their race or beliefs. Blacks more likely to be stopped than white
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
Effects of discrimination and racism
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
- Feeling of alienation of people and groups within society
- Racism and discrimination will lead to the creation of more radical groups like the BNP, this will lead to more hatred in society
- Because of prejudice young people in minority groups particularly blacks feel they wont succeed, they will only get poorly paid jobs and will resort to crime
- Young people e.g muslims are turning to extreme Isalmic groups because they feel they have no chance of success in a prejudiced environment e.g acts of terrorism 7/7
- If multi-ethnic society is to function well it has to treat everyone fairly - equal opportunities for all to produce their best
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
Benefits of a multi-ethnic society
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
- Less chance of war because people have knowledge and understanding of different ethnic groups and nationalities - mixed marriages
- Leads to progressive ideas and new and different ways of doing things - cut of societies are less progressive e.g Amazonian Indians
- Life is more exciting with different cultures, food, music and entertainment
- Shows people how varied the world is - all part of one race - the human race, essential for economic interdependence
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
What does UK Government do to promote Community Cohesion including laws on equal rights
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
- Financial support for groups working in and researching CC
- Education and Inspections Act - CC on curriculum
- Race Relations Act - unlawful to discriminate on grounds of race and colour
- Racial and Religious Hatred Act - offence to use threatening words against different races, incite groups defined by religious beliefs
- Crime and Disorder Act - higher penalties for racially motivated crime or hostility
- Equal Human Rights Commission
- Main political parties oppose racism
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
Church of England helping asylum seekers
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
- Providing places for learning English in order to get employment and worship in English to maintain faith
- Setting up organizations which provide the basic necessities of life e.g TLCRF
- Setting up legal advice clinics - help with immigration/settling in UK Campaigns e.g Church Action on Poverty- justice for refugees Still Human Still Here - fighting poverty/lack of subsistence for asylum seekers
- Church speaks on behalf of immigrants to give them a voice to put forward their problems and concerns
- Asking Christians to elevate status of immigrant workers - hard working dedicated people
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
Why does the Church help asylum seekers?
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
- Old Testament teaches - God is a God of justice Christians seeking justice for asylum seekers Christians seeking justice for oppressed
- Through this work they show love for God & neighbours
- Golden rule - service to others
- Christians follow example of Jesus - 'not to be served but to serve others' Mark 10:14
- Teachings of Jesus - Parables - Good Samaritan,Sheep and Goats
- Jesus was a refugee - family fled to Egypt to escape Herod
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
Why should Christians help promote racial harmony?
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
- Christian church members - 2.1billion all over the world
- Parables - Good Samaritan
- Simon of Cyrene (helped Jesus carry cross) - black African
- St Peter(Acts10) believed God had showed that he treats all races the same and accepts the worship of anyone
- St Paul(Galicians3:26-29) everyone is equal - no divisions of race amongst Christians also that God created all nations from Adam - therefore all equal
- Christian church has condemned racism - promoted racial harmony
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
Christians who have been racist - examples of Racism
RE Community Cohesion - Racial Harmony
- KKK - USA 1920 - 1970 - secret society in South dedicated to white supremacy v blacks Jews Catholics motto - Bringing a message of Hope and Deliverance to White Christian America
- South Africa 1970 - 1980 Dutch Reform Church apartheid (separate development) - supported white supremacy v black
- UK 1950 churches hostility to black immigrants - unwelcome so set up own churches
RE Community Cohesion - Religious Harmony
What do Exclusive Christians believe about other religions? Why?
RE Community Cohesion - Religious Harmony
- Christianity is only religion that leads to god
- All other religions are wrong
- Christians have rights to convert others
- Jesus said: "I am the way the truth and the life - no one reaches God but through me" - John 14 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations" - Matthew 28 - everyone must be converted to Christianity
RE Community Cohesion - Religious Harmony
What do Inclusive Christians believe about other religions? Why?
RE Community Cohesion - Religious Harmony
- Other religions have some truth
- Only Christianity reveals whole truth about God
- Only Christians assured of salvation but others may have possibility of eternal life eg Judaism
- St Paul in Athens saw people on spiritual search even though they were not Christians
- Teachings of Catholic Church - Catechism/Papal Encyclicals
RE Community Cohesion - Religious Harmony
What do Pluralist Christians believe? (Liberal Protestant Christians) Why?
RE Community Cohesion - Religious Harmony
- All religions are equally valid and lead to God
- Christians should respect other religions - living good holy lives e.g Muslims,Hindus etc
- Do not believe bible is the word of God
- Believe God is a force like gravity - discovered in different ways
- "In my Fathers house are many rooms" John 14.2 - room in heaven for all religions
- Good Samaritan
RE Community Cohesion - Religious Harmony
Benefits of living in a multi-faith society
RE Community Cohesion - Religious Harmony
- Learn about other religions - see things in common
- Practice religion more seriously and make others think about their religion
- Understanding of different religions helps to question and think more seriously about own beliefs
- understanding comes about through realisation that everyone is entitled to their own opinion about religion
- Religious tolerance will help to stop conflicts - Catholics/Protestants in Northern Ireland, Hindus/Sikhs/Muslims in India
- Multi-faith society allows people to come across new religious ideas
RE Community Cohesion - Religious Harmony
Issues raised for religion by a multi-faith society
eg conversion, bringing up children, interfaith marriage
RE Community Cohesion - Religious Harmony
- Multi-faith society - means religious freedom!
- Desire to convert all other faiths - different faiths, non believers OK to evangelise not to always convert
- Conversion a type of prejudice and discrimination
- Impossible to study all religions and say that any one is wrong
- Children (when of age) free to choose religion - conflict over different choices, life after death, social and peer pressure, tempted away by education in secular schools.
- Interfaith marriages - no ceremony, childrens religion, feeling of betrayal for family, after death - burial
- If not addressed issues can lead to conflict and hatred
RE Community Cohesion - Religious Harmony
Religion & promoting community cohesion in UK
RE Community Cohesion - Religious Harmony
- Religions working out what are the similarities e.g prophets Abraham and Moses in Islam, Christianity and Judaism
- Helping interfaith marriages - special services, websites, published guidelines
- Church leaders agree Good RE in schools
- Encourage different religions for children in mixed faith families
- Setting up national groups - IFN for UK
- Setting up local groups in towns & cities
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