Rebranding - geography
Rebranding - geography
- Created by: rosie
- Created on: 08-05-12 11:11
Sustainable city - Curitiba
- One price for any journey
- 5 arterial roads
- Bus system rather than metro
- Used by 75% of commuters on weekdays
- Large capacity buses
- Promoted in school, kids then encouraged parents
Parks, open spaces, and flood control:
- 1.5 million trees
- 54m2 per resident of open space
- 100km of cycle paths
- Parks act as floodplains
Rebranding using sport
Rebranding through sport: London 2012 Olympics
- 9000 people working on it - many jobs created
- Olympic Stadium will hold 80,000 people - huge tourist industry bringing money
- New velodrome with water collecting roof - recycle/resuse water
- Media centre- 20,000 journalists - area will become well known
- London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games
- Will be one of the largest urban parks in Europe
- Will bring a range of transport arrangements
- 2,800 homes after the games - homes will be new and area will not be run down, will have good transport for residence
- Will provide amenities for the local community
- Park will be connected to the Thames estuary
- new jobs for local people
rebranding using culture
Hold an 11 day long festical which hosts authors, musicians, broadcasters. Industry promoting - lots in St. Ives. Opportunties - art degrees/festivals. Some galleries like the Tate open all year round.
Works with Univerisity - draws people into the area. Uses art to draw people into the area.
Clebrating chefs such as jamie oliver opened restaurante '15' attracting people to visit. Attraction due to Jamie's status. Profits fund further training and developement. Locally sourced produce. Trains/supports local people in catering skills all from disadvantaged backgrounds. Low food miles, sustainable fish etc. Year round employment for the select 15. Uses natural beauty to promote ideal setting. Brought money into the area.
- Academy at Watergate Bay, employs 50 people, offers accomodation
- Rick Stein's restraunt in Taplow
- Jamie Oliver's restraunt employing disadvantaged teenage kids
- Combined universities in Cornwall e.g. University College Falmouth
Arts and Culture:
- E.g. Daphne du Marier festival
key terms
- Rebranding: Developing a place to reposition its image and change people's idea of it, helping to "sell" the place to a target audience
- Valorisation: Exploiting what's already there. Values of area
- Reimaging: Positively changing the standing and reputation of a place through specific improvements
- Regenerating: Positively transforming the economy of a place that has displayed symptoms of decline. Economy
Rebranding Strategies
Attracting tourists -
leisure + sports e.g shopping centers, leisure centres, bars, resturantes
culture + the arts e.g museums, gallerys, festivals
Improving conditions for residents -
better housing + more amenities e.g parks, super markets, post offices, little bins
Attracting investment -
new shops, commercial buildings + waterfront developments, tourist attractions e.g london eye, brighton pier, portsmouth's spindler tower
- EU Money
- Regional Development Agencies
- Local Councils
- Business + Industry
- Local people + communities
- Charities
- Property Developers
Fieldwork and research for Rebranding Places
· Environmental quality surveys- These are surveys which can include shopping quality, street quality, landscape quality and litter.
· “Place check” forms- At a range of predetermined locations write down what you like and don’t like. Then you can take pictures, video and audio recordings to back your view up.
· “Drosscape” survey- You map where there are parts of significant decays and dereliction.
· Internet blogs and forums-These can tell you a lot about the area with people’s views. They can be biased though with only one person saying it or a couple with the same views.
· Online maps (e.g. Google Maps)- You can see what the area is like with the infrastructure or amount of open space. Also pictures can be uploaded which pictures have taken. These can be biased as people can choose certain things to take pictures of.
· – This website has pictures for the map grid squares all of the UK. These can give you an idea of the area but as with all pictures can be biased.
· – This gives you the ACORN rating for an area that you choose. However the data does not give you figures so is open to interpretation.
· -This gives statistics about things like housing, health and employment.
· Questionnaires- You can use questionnaires to find out people’s views about things. It would be better to use semi-structured questions so that you can find out the information that you want but things can come up which you hadn’t thought of.
· Bipolar analysis- This allows you to give on a scale information on an area like the aesthetics of an area.
· Capacity surveys- These allow you to assess the patterns of usage for a certain facility over a set period of time.
· Census statistics- This allows you to see if more or less people live in an area.
· Tourism statistics- You can see what sort of people come to the area, the visitor numbers and weather it is seasonal business or not.
· Air quality and pollution statistics-This can tell you if the air quality is good or not and other pollution statistics.
· Looking at texts/broachers/ leaflets- Doing this allows you to see what sort of people they are aiming the area for and what is being marketed.
· Local websites- Looking at local websites can allow you to see what it being done in the area.
· Local newspapers- Looking at local newspapers and their archives can show you what problems there are and if anything is being done to help.
· Participant observation- This is when you observe people at a site and the actions that they do.
· Footfall survey- Here you can see the amount of people using the area.
· Researching local events- You can see if anything goes on in the area and if anything does what sort of things.
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