Relations with national liberals 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryASEdexcel Created by: AnnaCreated on: 12-05-13 11:27 9 points Army budget 1874 Background Bismarck's break Domestic policy Foreign policy Reason for split Relations 1871 Right wing parties Support 1 of 10 Army budget 1874 Arguments Agreed the military budget should remain at fixed level outside a reichstag control Bismarck presented law that army over 400,000 men would be automatically financed by federal expenditure 80% of federal expenditure spent on army was opposed by Liberals Accused of trying to undermine German military strength Bismarck threatened to call new elections compromised on a fixed budget for 7 years to be renewed annually or fixed permanently 2 of 10 Background largest single party balance of power between Bisamrck's conservative powers and various opponents won the right to pass an annual budget ideal allies, eager to help Bismarck consolidate national unity united against Catholic Church national system of currency introduced, reichstag created, internal tariffs abolished, much legal standardisation 3 of 10 Bismarck's break conflict arose in the years 1877-79 because of liberal demands for a parliamentary ministry disagreement over taxes when the liberals wanted to give the Reichstag's control over revenues split over issue in 1880 after losing many seats in the election of 1879 after 1890, national liberals were often divided on social and economic issues 4 of 10 Domestic policy support of national liberal party passing of new constitution prussianization of Germany 5 of 10 Foreign policy aggressive and expansionist foreign policy defeated Austria and France wanted to preserve Reich than gain more consolidate German empir and prevent any external threat abandoned liberal allies and put in place a series of tariffs that benefitted entry of Prussia 6 of 10 Reason for split rise of centre party forced Bismarck to split and abandon his alliance with the National liberals 7 of 10 Relations 1871 Always uneasy Bismarck did not agree with their hopes for the extension of parliamentary government irritated as they proposed a number of proposals 8 of 10 Right wing parties most issues Wilhelm and government could rely on backing of right wing parties: the conservatives, free conservatives and national liberals 9 of 10 Support Liberals supported Bismarck with the Kulturkampf shared same view of Catholic Church Bisamrck reliant on support from National Liberals in the Richstag 10 of 10
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