Religion and Young people
- Created by: AmyBean
- Created on: 14-05-17 19:48
Religion and Young people
Birth and initiation ceremonies:
- Baptised as a sign of initiation into the family and of the church and represents washing away sins to begin a life as a folower of christ. Priest pours water form the font onto the babies head. Promises are made on the babys behalf by the god parents. ( Orthodox christianity immerses the baby who is dressed in white and oil is poured onto its head.) However in Baptist christianity they beleive its only right to wait when a person can chose wherether to become a christian or not.
- As soon as posible after birth, the farther wispers the Adhan ( musim cal to prayer) in the ear of the newborn baby . This welcomes the baby into the muslim comunity. Something sweet is placed onto the tongue and gifts are given to the poor in thanks to Allah for the new born child. After 7 days the Aqiqah ceremony occure were the babys name is given, head is shaven and more donating takes place. For boys after 8 days Khitan ( circumcision) my take place.
Religion and Young people
what influences younge people?
- Home - where religion, spirituality , relationships and morality is learned firstly by people at home.
- Religious upbringing - in some homes religion is center of life where religious teachings can help guide a person in life.
CHRISTIANITY + ISLAM - both beleive in encoraging pray and religion to gain influences above.
Religion and Young people
Moral codes
- Ten commandments, Sermon on the Mount and the goldern rule ( treat others as you wish to be treated) are bassis on chritain moral codes were younge are brought up not to be selfish in their actions. - " love you neighbour as yourself."
- Are made aware of modesty, faithfulness in maraige, drinking alcohol and gambling is taght through Qur'an and the hadith ( sayings of muhammad.) These affect the choices made in a muslims life. - " no one is a beleiver until he desires for his brother that wic he desires for himself."
Religion and Young people
Activerties for young people:
Provide oppertunities for young people to...
- learn about faith and have pride in religion,
- helped in forming moral codes,
- learn how to be a useful citicen,
- learn new skills and take part in fun adventurous activerties,
- Build relationships with like mided young peole of the same faith.
Girl's brigade and Boy's brigade - both christian organisations that teach moral codes through activerties ( and provide oppertunitues above.)
The Jewish Lad's and Girl's Brigade ( JLGB) - is a jewish organisation were yong people can learn about there faith and lear life skils and responisbilities ( and above.)
Religion and Young people
Special events for young people:
Spring Harvest - is a Christain event for people do learn to help there comunity through bible study groups, worship through prayer and music.Located in whales it is the largest Christain annual event in europe.
Taize - is a christian event located in france wich focuses on prayer and meditation. music, prayer, bible study and international workshops on issues such as world peace or how to help the community is taught. some spend the week in silence to try and listen to God.
Religion and Young people
Celibrations and Festivals:
- Easter ( celebrating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, chocolate eggs are given to symbolise new life.)
- Christmas ( Celebrating the birth of Jesus on 25th of December, presents are given, carols are sung, nativerty plays are performed, decorating homes take place and special fod is eaten.)
- Diwali ( celebration of lights over dark and good over evil, over 5 days lights decorate streets and windows, homes are cleaned, new cloths bought, sweets are given and fireworks lit.)
Religion and Young people
Membership and coming of age:
Confirmation - between ages of 11 and 15 which confirms apart of community. comfirmation classes are taken ( teaches faith and responisibilities.) In Roman Cahtlic and Anglican church a bishop cinducts ceremony and they gain the holy spirit. They can be anointed with oil or prays are given.
Bar Mitzah - (Boy) At 13 he recives the full rights and privileges of a jewish adult and becomes a son of commandments. He reads form the Sefer Torah in Hebrew, a meal is eaten and thanks is given parents for what they have done and sets out for his religious hopes for the future.
Bat Mitzah - (Girl) At 12 were the are new regarded as responisble for thier own actions and decisions, is a dauter of commandmeents and is exspected to keep jewish laws and traditions. She may reads from the Talmud, celibrations are taken place and gifts are given.
Religion and Young people
Problems faced by religous young people:
- Generation gap ( diferent veiws between young + parents,)
- Marginalisation ( the social process of becoming or being isolated and left out,)
- Peer presure ( exserted by friends or other of same ae group,)
- Empowerment and purpose ( oppertunities for young people,)
- Botherhood ( belonging to faith enables people to feel apart of something.)
Religion and Young people
Religion and schools:
- RE ( must be providedfor all students from reception to sicth form,)
- Assemblies ( Were moral and spiritual education is gained through singing and prayer however this is not compulsery in secondry school. Gives social and moral development.)
- Faith schools ( Allows people to learn faith and traditions while doing normal studies however sometimes doesnt encorage multiculturaliam or toerance.)
Religion and Young people
Key works:
- Initiation - being entered formally into a religion
- Spirituality - a sense of something that is outside normal human exsperience,
- Moral codes - Moral rules by wich a person decides to live,
- Brigade - a uniformed religious youth organisation for young people,
- Confirmation - a sacrament admitting a baptised peron to full pracie in the church,
- Faith schools - scools run by a particular religion rather than by state.
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