Religion and Young People


Key Terms!!

Secular Society; more atheists in society, there are more non-religious people in society then there ever has been

Marginalized; make people feel isolated and segregated (separate)

Brotherhood; a community of people linked by a common interest or religion.

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Participation in Religion

There are various ways that young people participate in their religion.

Faith Groups; activities for young people 

Worship; youth services, birth ceremonies and religious instruction

Festivals; fun for children, stories, celebrations and gifts

Youth Organizations; scout and guide movement, boys and girls brigades

Religious Holidays; Taize, retreats. Mecca and Lourdes.

Social Activites; youth clubs, sport, and recreation, prayer groups

Voluntary Work; gap-year activities, sponsored events, participation in the community

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Private schools; An independent school supported wholly by the payment of fees.

Faith schools; A school intended for students of a particular religious faith.

State schools; state funded schools in England which are directly funded by the Department for Education and independent of local authority control. 

Academies; A school that is funded and controlled by the local authority.

Pro's for having religion in school; it might stop peer pressure, offers guidance, and brings community together

Con's of having religion in school; not everyone has a religion, we live in a secular society, many people have different religions and they may feel marginalised if one school only focuses on one religion

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Young People and Rights

  • Freedom of speech
  • Education
  • First to receive aid in any type of conflict or disaster
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Birth Ceremonies

Christianity Birth Ceremony;

Christians have infant Baptism, the baby is dressed in White for purity, Holy water is used to make the shape of the cross on the babies forehead, then welcomed into religion, and parents make promises to bring the child up in the faith.

Sikh Birth Ceremony;

Father whispers Mool Mantra into the babies ear as soon as it is born, honey is put on the babies lips to signify a sweet future, donation is made to charity to thank God for their child, name is picked at random from the Guru Granth Sahib the first time they visit the Gurdwara with their baby.

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Commitment Ceremonies

Christianity Commitment Ceremony; 

Around the age of 12, Christians choose to undergo a ceremony of confirmation, they renew promises from Baptism, the Bishop asks 3 questions, e.g, 'Do you turn to Christ?' and then service continues with Holy Communion.

Jewish Commitment Ceremony;

At the age of 13, all Jewish boys have a commitment ceremony called a Bar Mitzvah, and at the age of 12, all Jewish girls have a commitment ceremony called a Bat Mitzvah, they are taught to read the Torah in Hebrew, and then have a big celebration.

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