Religion is a consevative force- sense of being traditional
Oppose change- catholic church- forbids abortion and divorve
Hinduism endorses domestic authority over women
'weber' calvanist belief system- Pre destination: Self discipline-
Gods decision is made and cannot be altered- out life is pre destined
divine transcendance- god was so far and beyond this world- no human could know his will
Asceticism- refers to self discipline: monks refrain from materialism
Idea of a vocation- calling from God- we put on earth to glorify the work of God
'Weber'- Hinduism: aesthetic religion- favouring renunciation from materialism
Orientation directed its followers away from amterial world and towards siritual, modern capitalism emerged
Best way to serve God is to work hard
'Bruce'- civil rights movement to end racial segrgation- mass racist violence against blacks
Black people were denied civil rights in many southern states
MLK- performed rituals in prayer as a sense of unity of oppression and support
Civil rights movement- helped bring about change- principle of equality
New christian right- conservative group- believe in tradtion- truth of scripture
makes abortion and divorce illegal
liberation theology- emerged with catholic church; strong commitment to the poor
Human rights abuses follwing false imprisonment
Millenarian movements; desire for hope for a better world in after life
christ would come again for the second time
Appeal largley to the poor because they promise improvement- life free from sin
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