Changing female roles:
- Women traditionally made to stay at home and look after children
- Women took on the jobs of men (World Wars 1914-18; 1939-45)
- Some women allowed to vote (1918)
- Post-war (1945) many women wanted equality and end to sexism
- Women given rights to equal pay (1970)
Changing male roles:
- Men tradtionally made to go out to work and provide for the family
- Men nowadays are more involved in raising children and in the home
- Men are more willing to do tasks traditionally seen as womens work such as cooking
How and why roles have changed:
- Women can vote and become MPs due to changes in the law.
- Women can do any job they want due to changes in the law and effect of wars
- Women are better educated due to effective contraception and equal rights legislation
- Men are more involved in childcare and home-life due to change in attitudes.
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