- The number of divorces in the UK
- It was 26,000 in 1960, and is 170,000 now
- Before 1857 only men could divorce with parliament's permission
- 1857 men could divorce on the grounds of adultery, women=cruelty/adultery
- 1923: men and women could obtain divorce on the same grounds
- 1937: desertion, adultery, cruelty and insanity were reasons for divorce
- 1969: unneccessary to justify divorce
Most Christians are generally opposed to divorce but they do agree that sometimes couples have inconcible differences and have to divorce for the sake of their well-being.
Catholics are very strongly opposed to divorce and they almost never think it is an acceptable thing
They do not approve of it because a marriage is a life long bond made in the eyes of God and they are breaking their promise to God
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