Conservative+radical force.
Conservative force- return to traditional society. Radical force- to do this it has to change.
Islamic fundamentalism and the Iranian revolution- The shah or Iran changed the trad. Muslim culture to a Western culture. Western curriculum in schools, new laws, banned wearing of the veil +replaced muslim calendar. Bars, casinos, night clubs etc. Created v. wealthy western elite- most iranians in poverty. Muslim leaders led a revolution to overthrow the shah.
Religion acting as a conservative+radical force- revolution changed society (radical) but changed it back to how it was in the past (conservative)
Christian fundamentalism in the USA: the New Christian Right- aim to return God to the centre of American life. Many 'ills' of America went against Gods way. Example of a religious movement wanting to change society to a better past- radical+conservative.
:( weren't successful
General Conclusion- Trad. theorist- religion conservative force. More evidence for radical force.
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