1. In the sense of 'traditional'. Eg, defending traditional customs, institutions, or moral views.
2. Functions to conserve or preserve things as they are, maintaining the status quo.
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Religion's Conservative Beliefs & Functions
Most religions have traditional conservative beliefs about moral issues and oppose changes that allow individuals more freedom.
the Catholic Church forbids divorce, abortion and artificial contraception.
Most religions uphold 'family values', supporting a traditional patriarchal domestic division of labour.
Hinduism endorses the practice of arranged marriage.
Only conservative in the second sense of the word - functioning to conserve or preserve things as they are.
This view is held by; functionalists, marxists and feminists.
They each argue that it contributes to social stability.
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Religion and Consensus
Functionalists see religion as maintaining social stability and preventing disintegration.
Eg, promoting social solidarity by creating value consensus and helping individuals deal with disruptive stresses.
Marxists & Feminists see religion as an ideology that supposrts existing social structure & as a means of social control in the interests of the powerful.
Religion and capitalism - Marx sees religion as an ideology preventing social change. By legitimating or disguising inequality, it creates false consciousness in the working class & prevents revolution.
Religion & patriarchy - Feminists see religion as legitimating patriarchal power & maintains women's subordination in the family and society.
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