Religion, peace and justice.
- Created by: Fran
- Created on: 12-06-11 13:53
Capital Punishment: executing a criminal convicted of murder or other crimes. Conscientous objector: someone who refuses to fight in a war on the basis of their conscience. Judge:The christian idea of God acting as a judge to decided who goes to heaven or hell. Just war theory: The belief that wars can be morally justified by this criteria. Justice: Fairness in society and the world. Nuclear pacifism: Belief that the use of nuclear weapons can never be justified Pacifism: the belief that peace should be the central value that people pursue Proportionality: the belief that force can be met by equal force. Quaker: A member of the christian denomination The Society of Friends Revenge: seeking to repay a wrong by getting recompense Sin: an act which goes againt Gods will Social justice: The belief that people should be treated fairly and with respect in society Social injustice:where people my be denied rights as a consequence of poverty or discrimination
Attitudes to war.
Some christians believe tht war is the result of sin and evil, however some think that it may still be neccessary to fight a war to prevent a greater evil. Some think that war can only be justified if its meets certain moral principles.
Many believe that the rejection of war and violence is what jesus taught in the Gospels. They believe in pacifism. They use quotes such as: 'for all who draw the sword will die by the sword'.
Thomas Aquinas came up with this just war theory:
1. Must be fought for a just cause. (defending a nation) 2. Controlled violence, as little violence as possible and as same as enemy 3. If it defeats a greater evil 4. Must be in control of politicans not the military 5. Force must be proportional, avoid harming innocent civillians 6. Only militry should be involved in fighting, minimal property damage
Attitudes to war.
Beliefs about violence and pacifism.
Some believe violence can be justified on a nation level but not in other contexts. They might make distinction between violence and force. Violence is destructive where as force can be used to stop someone behaving wrongly. The torture and ill treatment of people goes againts the idea that all people are made in the image of God.
Pacifism is not something that ll christians must follow. Desite te just war theory many christians still campaign for non violent resistance. Some make a destinction between nuclear pacifism and pacifism. Nuclear pacifists elieve that the use of nuclear weapons can never be justified as it would never defeat a greater evil than itself.
Quakers have been commited to pacifism since their origins. They believe this is what jesus required. Some are willing to be involved in the medicl care. Some believe that pacifism is naive as it suggests that humans can behave in a totally selfless way, some christians say violence can never be justified others say that when jesus was violent in the temple that can be justified.
Beliefs about violence and pacifism.
Crime and Punishment.
For christians the idea of justice comes from the belief that all humans are 'made in the image of God'. Some christians see justice s the idea of love in action and making sure that all are cared for a protected.
There are many diferent reasons for the punishment of christians: revenge: repay a the action vindication: uphold the law reformation: as a way to improve someone protection: safety of people deterence: put off others
Christians believe that criminals should be punished but also treated correctly. Peple like Elizabeth Fry a Quaker, work to improve prison food and education. Others re concerned that their rights arent met.
Some people think that if you murder someone which is going against Gods will as only he can take life then you should be executed, they say that God alone should be the judge and have the power to take a life.
Crime and Punishment.
Social Injustice.
In the world their are many ways in which people are treated unfairly because of race, age, gender, religion or disability. Christians point to sin and the reason for injustice as it goes against Gods will. Jesus' parable stressed the idea of fairness and his personal treatment of women as well as members of other races, should be an example of how to show love to different types of people.
Christians believe that there will only be a just society if people loved by the code of love and forgiveness.