Religious Expression
- Created by: Emilynanji
- Created on: 18-05-17 14:34
Can a Religion give a purpose in life?
- It is faith that goves meaning and purpose to the life of many religious believers.
- "Faith" means trust or confidence
- For religious believers, this means to have trust and confidence in god. This is because it helps to create their identity and gives a sense of purpose as to who they are.
- A religious faith gives direction to people's lives.
- Many religious believers belong to a local community, and regularly attend a place of worship, which is an expression of faith.
- Many religious believers also choose to spend some of their own personal time involved in charity work. Part of the expression of religious faith is to help other people.
How Do Religious Charities/Organisations help?
Christian Aid:
- Aims to create and esatblish a world free from poverty and injustice.
- Provides relief in times of disaster and helps people regardless of their religion or personality.
- Speaks out against injustice.
- Tries to deliver real and practical help where it is needed.
- Campaigns for change.
- Is a Jewish overseas development and educational charity.
- Works with some of the poorest people in the world, regardless of their race or religion.
- Tries to help people in distress and in damaging political and economical conditions.
- Helps to fund small scale, self-help, sustainable projects, assisting people long term in looking after themselves and coping with the conditions they live in.
Why do people support others?
- Being compassionate and caring about other people is an important aspect of being a religious believer.
- Christians follow the example of Jesus, who spent too much time helping others.
- Christians and Jews both claim that God wants us to help each other, because we are all made in the image of God and are worthy of his care.
How Can Faith be expressed though clothing?
- Religious dress is just one example in which religious believers may express their faith.
- It may be part of the identity of a religion or part of the culture.
- It may involve wearing special clothes or objects.
- Many religious believers claim that expressing faith through the wearing of certain clothes or religious objects is essential to their faith.
- People who object argue that faith is a personal thing and it doesnt state in all religions that these objects should be worn.
- Religous believers feel that it is important to show and share faith with others. This can take a variety of forms, from simply wearing something that defines their religion, to talking to people about their faith.
Ways Of Expressing Faith could be:
- Wearing a crucifix or cross
- Preaching and teaching other about religious beliefs
- Not working on a holy day
- Making a decision not to have sex before marriage
- Not eating certain foods
- Going on a pilgrimage
should Religious Believers make their faith explic
- This question needs to be addressed as sometimes, others may find what they are doing offensive or intrusive.
- Some religions teach that it is vital to share their religion with others.
- Religious believers feel it is important that other people have access to their faith, so they can make an informed decision.
- However, others feel that faith is such an important part of their life that they wish to share it with others, or have physical reminders of their faith.
- Expressing faith is also a way of identifyting themselves. This is particularly important if living in a country where religion is a minority.
- Some people choose to make their faith explicit.
- This may be because they feel that it is ignored or not understood by others.
Expressing Faith through symbols - Christianity
- Cross or crucifix: expresses religious beliefs about Jesus Christ. An 'Empty' cross symbolises the resurrection of Jesus. A crucifix (has a figure of Jesus on it) symbolises Jesus' death and suffering.
- A Cross may be found on the church noticeboard, fixed to the outside of the building, or in the graveyard in headstones.
- Symbols may be used in paintings, on Chureh banners, or in stained glass windows.
- Some christians choose to wear a cross or crucifix on a chain as a symbol of their religious belief and commitment.
- Roman Catholics may carry a rosary- a string of beads used to help them recite prayers, but also as a sign of their faith.
- The fish is also a symbol of Christianity- After Christ's crucifixtion, his followers were persecuted and the fish symbol was used as an identifying symbol that fellow christians would recognise, but non Christians would not.
Expressing faith through symbols- Judaism
- The Mezuzah is an expression of religious belief. A Mezuzah is a piece of parchment inscribed with specified Hebrew verses from the Tora.
- A Mezuzah is affixed to the doorframe in Jewish homes.
- Some interpret Jewish Law to require a mezuzah on every doorway in the home apart from the bathroom and closets too small to qualify as rooms.
- However, others view it as necessary to only place one in the front doorway.
- In the synagogue, there is the nev tamid (eternal flame), which expresses the belief that God is present today, and a reminder of the past when there was a flame buring in the menorah in the temple at Jerusalem.
- Jews may also wear a symbol of their faith, such as the Kippah, Talit, tefillin and Magen David (Star of David).
- Symbols may be worn in public, in private, or in a place of worship.
Why Worship in Special Buildings?
- Worship means 'to give worth to', and all religions want to worship God.
Worshipping in a special building means that:
- There is a special atmosphere
- There is a sense that God is present
- There is a focus for concentration during prayer
- There is oppertunity to worship with others and develop a sense of community.
- Members of a family may worship together.
- It is a place used for the celebration of rites of passage, such as birth, marriage and death.
- There are oppertunities for religious teachings in sermons.
- It gives people the oppertunity wo sing and worship in a variety of ways, other than simply just praying.
- Artefacts in the building may assist the act of worship.
- It is a religious tradition.
What makes a journey special?
Journeys to significant places have always featured prominently in religions. Many religious leaders have undertaken sacred journeys, whihc followers have then gone on to repeat, as a sign of their dedication and commitment.
Journeys may be special because:
- They are routes to a place where something important has happened.
- Someone special went that way
- You feel closer to someone there.
- You can trace something back to a particular destination.
Whats special about pilgrimage?
Pilgrimage is a religious journey and a form of expressing religion. Places of pilgrimage are usually associated with the founder of a religion or a particular event, or have some connection with past events in the religious tradition. All of the six main religions have pilgrimage sites.
Christian Pilgrimage:
There are no formal requirements to make a pilgrimage in Christianity. This is because many argue that a religious life is a complete spiritual journey.
They may wish to visit Israel to 'walk in the footsteps of Jesus', in order to address curiosity or wanting to be in the actual place where Jesus lived and died. This may deepen their faith.
Others may go on a pilgrimage in expectation of a miracle. E.G. Lourdes in France
Jewish Pilgramages:
There is no rule stating that Jews must go on pilgramage, but many choose to do so. For example, the may wish to visit Yad Vashem to remember the members of their families whom died in the Holocaust.
Attitudes to Pilgrimage
Pilgrimage is an opportunity for believers to:
- Get closer to God
- Understand their faith more deeply
- Concentrate fully on their religion, showing commitment and deicatio
- Develop individually as spiritual people
Is it right for people to share their faith with o
- It is only through the sharing of faith that some people get to hear God's message.
- Sharing beliefs is part of human nature, it isn't simply a religious idea
- As long as it is sharing and not forcing, what is the harm?
- It is interesting to learn about the faith of others
- Sharing faith allows a deeper understanding
- It helps people get on better if each can understand the other
- Faith is an important part of a persons life, and you should feel honoured that they are sharing it with you
Is it right for people to share their faith with o
- Faith is personal thing and should not be dealt with in public
- Some religious believers may try to convert people
- Some religious believers may force religion on someone who doesnt want it or is happy with their own beliefs
- It can be intimidating if someone you don't know starts telling you about their religion
- It isn't necessary- if someone wants to become religious, they can go and find out about the religion for themselves
How is the Media currently used for religion?
The media is a very powerful tool. It reports and presents information about our world and keeps us in touch as to what is going on. Sometime however, information concerning religion is misinterpreted in the media. This raises the question of how religion should be portrayed and whether media could be put to better use.
Religious topics that have recently been reported on incluce:
- The dispute as to whether religious dress or objects should be worn at school
- Places of pilgrimage- especially when the event has taken a turn for the worse and life has been lost
- Examples of celebrites supporting religious charities and organisations
- Attrocities such as 9/11 , and the London Bombings
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