Logical positivists viewed scientific knowledge as the paragidm of knowledge
Tauntological statements, Mathematical statements, synthetic statements and anyaltic statements
Statements that lay ourside of logical reasoning and empirical evdiecne were meaningless
Verification principle
A J Ayer - 1936 - synthetic statement is meaningful if anf only if it has some relation to observation - attacked metaphysics regarding it meaningless 'devoted to the production of nonsense' - 'the setence expressing it may be emotionally signficant to him; but it is not literally significant' - principle of verification as being limited - historical statements would be meaningless - verifiability in practice and in principle - 'it is verifiable, in the weak sense, if it is possible for experience to render it probalbe' - observations do not have to actually be made - strong verification and weak verification - 1978 Ayer admitted that his earlier work was mostly false
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