Contemporary to Randall - published ar around the same time
Faith as the state of being ultiamtely concerned - spiritual concerns along side Maslow's heirarchy of needs- 'man's ultimate concern must be expressed symbollically because symbollic language alone is able to express the ultimate' - red lights and cars are not inherently linked but linked through context and convention - signs do not participate in reality to which the point symbols do
Six characteristics of symbols - (1) point beyond thenselves to something else -(2) participate in the rality of that to which they point - (3) open up levels of reality that are otherwise closed - (4) unlock dimensions and elements of our soul that correspond to the dimensions and elements of reality - (5) - symbols cannot be produced intentionally, they grow out of the individual or collective unconscious and canont function without being accepted - (6) - symbols grow and die
language of symbols = language of power - 'language of faith is the languaeg of symbols'
everything that is a matter of unconditional corn is made into a god - god is what concerns us ultiamtely
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