We will be told if the marriage is valid or not.
There may be a mahr- this is a specified amount due to the wife for her exclusive use. The husband has to pay it. It may be paid immediately at the time of the marriage contract or it may be deferred to the time of divorce. This lies in contract. In some cultures it is a nomial sum, but Arabs especially like to make huge ones.
How has mahr been addressed by the English courts?
Depends on whether there has been a civil marriage. If there is a civil marriage, is the mahr agreement before or after the civil marriage? Is it a prenup or postnup?
If there is no civil marriage then parties are cohabitees and the mahr agreement may just be treated as a contract.
There isnt much case law on mahr which may indicate it hasnt been much of a problem.
Shahnaz v Rizwan- pre Marriage Act. They didnt look at it as a prenup or post nup, they just said the wife could have it. Only £1400.
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