Reproductive System
- Created by: kyrag94
- Created on: 26-04-24 12:32
- production and initial transportation of gamates
-function as endocrine tissue to produce hormones that coordinate activities specific to the sexes
- female gonads= OVARIES
-male gonads= TESTES
Male Reproductive System
-production of spermatozoa
-transport of spermatozoa to female reproducitve tract
-hormonal control + development of the secondary sexual characteristics
The Testes
-stored within the scrotum
-surrounded by tunica albuginea which divides testes into lobules
-each lobule contains seminiferous tubules which produce sperm
-seminferous tubules are continous with other tubules which provides distribution route for sperm
-process by which immature spermagonia develop into mature sperm
-sequence involves: reduction division, equatorial division, spermiogenesis
-results in 4 sperm cells
-immature spermatogonia are located peripherally within seminiferous tubules
-fully mature sperm located centrally
-sperm move from seminiferous tubulues into striaght tubules
-straight tubules lead to the vete testis which empty into the ductus efferentia
The Duct System
-takes about 2 weeks for sperm to transit epididymis
-excess fluid is absorbed + nutrients are excreted
-process referred to as capacitation (ensures cell motility and fertility)
-15-20cm long (longer than female)
-serves both urinary + reproductive
-3 anatomical regions: prostatic urethra, membranous urethra + penile urethra
Accessory Sex Glands
Paired seminal vesicles
-location posterior wall of base of bladder
-secrete viscous alkaline fluid amounts for 60% of semen volume
-contains fructose, protaglandins + absorbic acid
-large gland postioned below bladder
-secrets milk alkaline secretion 14-30% of semen
Paired Bulbourethal Glands (COWPER'S)
-secrete directly into urethra
-Thick clear alkaline mucus which neutralises traces of acidic urine
The Penis
-urogential organ
-consists of an attached root + free shaft that ends in an enlarged sensistive tip (glans penis)
-over which the skin is doubly folded to form a retractable case (foreskin)
-internally the penis comprises the urethra + 3 cyclindrical masses or bodies of spongy erectile tissue
Hormonal Control
-commences at puberty
-ltenising hormone (LEYDIG CELLS)
-Secondary sex charactistics
-In partnership with FSH stimulates sperm production
-Negative feedback mechanism
Female Reproductive System
-lie each side of pelvic cavity
-supported by ovarian ligaments
-adapted for production of oocytes (eggs)
Fallopian Tubes
-approx 10cm long
-3 distinct regions: isthmus, ampulla, infundiulum + fimbriae
-wall of fallopian tube has 3 layers: internal mucosa, muscularis layer + serosa
-Transport oocyte to uterus
Female Reproductive System
-located between bladder + rectum
-site of menstruation + pregnancy
-divided into: fundus, isthmus + cervix
-uterine wall has 3 main layers: inner endometrium, muscular myometrium + outer serosa/perimtrium
-thin walled muscular tublar organ
-located between bladder + rectum
-extends from cervix to external genitalia
-muscle= involuntary smooth muscle
Reproductive Phases
-Menarche: 1st mentrual period
- Menstrual: period
-Menopause: when period stops
Hormonal Control
-produced by corpus lutem under influence of LH
-acts only on tissues which have been previously acted on
-causes secretory changes in lining
-causes body temp to rise after ovulation
-proliferation of uterine endometrium
-secondary sex charactistics
-influences production of cervical mucous
-influences structure of vaginal epithelium
-inhibits FSH
-causes fluid retention
Ovarian Cycle
-under influence of FSH + LH the graafian follicle mature
-becomes tense + ruptures (ovulation)
-corpus luteum- yellow body
-corpus albicans- white body
Uterine Cycle
-menstrual phase
-1st day of cycle
-vaginal bleeding
-endometrium shed down to basal layer
-unfertilised ovum shed
Proliferative Phase
-menstration to ovulation
-under control of oestrogen
-regrowth + thickening of endometrium
-at completion consists of 3 layers: cubodial cilliated epithelium, functional layer + basal layer
Secretory Phase
-follows ovulation
-under control of progesterone + oestrogen
-functional layer thickens + becomes spongy
-tortuous glands
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