Overt Observation - To observe people with their knowledge
Advantage = More ethical because the pps have given consent
Disadvantage = pps behave differently, they know they are being watched, less realiable results, links to Observer effect
Covert Observation - To observe people without them knowing
Advantage = People behave more naturally because they don't know they are being observed
Disadvantage = Difficult to record data without being discovered, if you get a question about this, say something about the benefits of video recording the pps
Participant Observation -To observe people whilst joining into their activities
Advantage = Researcher gets to experience the situation from the pps point of view, giving more realistic results
Disadvantage = Researcher can affect the dynamics of the
Non-Partcipant Observation - To observe people from a distance
Advantage = Researcher can be more objective (notice things he/she wouldn't have if in with the group)
Disadvantage = Researcher can miss details because they are separate from the group
Questions about observations may include;
- List one Observation you'd have to carry out
- The most appropriate observation
- Write out a study plan for 5 year olds in a primary school, include observations that you'd consider
Observations list
With their knowledge - Overt
Without their knowledge - Covert
Joining in with their activities - Participant
Observing from a distance - Non-participant