1. Map Skills -
north, east, south, west, or Never Eat Shredded Wheat or Naughty Elephants Squirt Water
symbols, height, grid reference and distance
2. Weather -
Elements Of The Weather:
Humidity: Measuring Humidity
This is done by using a hygrometer.
This consists of 2 thermometers a dry bulb thermometer - placed in a Stevenson Screen.
A dry bulb thermometer records the actual air temperature.
A wet bulb thermometer has a wet muslin cloth around it and measures the dew point temperature.
How Is Sunshine Recorded
This is done by using a Campbell - stokes sunshine recorder
This consists of a glass ball mounted on a frame that concentrates the sun's ray on graduated paper.
When the sunshines the rays leave brown marks which can be measured to give the time the sun is shining.
Cloud Cover:
Cloud is the amount of the sky covered by cloud.
It is determined by observing based on how many eights of the sky are covered in cloud
It is recorded in Oktas
Weather Instruments:
A Thermometer is a weather tool used to measure the temperature
Wind speed is an important part of weather
An Anemometer is a weather tool used to measurewind speed
Wind Vane
A Wind Vane is used to measure the direction of the wind
Barometer is used to measure air pressure
Types of Rainfall:
Relief Rainfall
Convectional Rainfall
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