River Quaggy Case Study


River Quaggy Case Study

Runs through southeast London

Has been heavily managed since the 60s - artificial channels built to divert it underground through Greenwich

PLan from the Quaggy Waterways Action Group (QWAG) to bring the river back above ground, cutting a new channel through Sutcliffe Park

Park lowered and shaped to create a floodplain

Decreased flood risk for 600 homes and businesses and created a diverse environment

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River Quaggy Case Study

Runs through southeast London

Has been heavily managed since the 60s - artificial channels built to divert it underground through Greenwich

Plan from the Quaggy Waterways Action Group (QWAG) to bring the river back above ground, cutting a new channel through Sutcliffe Park

Park lowered and shaped to create a floodplain

Decreased flood risk for 600 homes and businesses and created a diverse environment

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