Roman Gods and Goddesses 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Classical CivilizationRoman Religion GCSEEdexcel Created by: becky-02Created on: 30-04-17 13:34 Jupiter Jupiter: primarily associated with the sky - god of thunder, lightning and weather in general Worshipped on teh Capitoline Hill The temple of Jupiter was the most important religious building in a Roman town Jupiter's priest was held very high status represented with a lightning bolt or an eagle sometimeshold a septre to signify his role as ruler of the Gods 1 of 10 Neptune Neptune: The Roman God fo the sea Suppossed to start earthquakes by striking the earth with his trident God of theh horses = chariot racing represented with a trident and a dolphin shown bearded 2 of 10 Mars Mars: God of fertility and war Associated with horses Believed to have been the father of Romulus - founder of Rome represented armed shown both with a beard and without one 3 of 10 Mercury Mercury: Messenger of the Gods Associated with trade and travel shown with wings on either side of his hat or sandals shown as a traveler wearing a cloak and/or a wide brimmed hat carries a staff known as the caduceus 4 of 10 Pluto (Hades) Pluto (Hades): God of the Underworld lived in his kingdom in Hades Shown bearded like his brothers, Jupiter and Neptune Sometimes holds a spetre ocassionally shown with his wife, Persphone, his watch dog Cerberus and sometimes holding a pomegranate 5 of 10 Apollo Apollo: God of music, health, prophecy, archery and the sun represented as a young man without a beard shown with a bow and arrow and sometimes a tripod (signifying prophecy) occassionally seen with rays coming out his head 6 of 10 Juno Juno: wife of Jupiter Goddess of fertility and childbirth and connected with marraige shown with a septre sometimes with a child or at a wedding 7 of 10 Venus Venus: Godess of love and beauty special conection with Rome Represented nude and caring for herself symbol = shell as she was born off the coast of Cyprus 8 of 10 Minerva Minerva: Goddess of handicarfts represented with armour and connected with military tactics adn wisdom gorgon on her brestplate Shown holding an owl 9 of 10 Diana Diana: Virgin Goddess of hunting and the moon represented as a huntress with bows and arrows and dogs 10 of 10
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