RS Theme 1 Ethics A,B,C
- Created by: NiamhSharp
- Created on: 03-01-20 16:52
Normative Ethics
The study of moral rules (or ‘norms’) of right and wrong that underline specific ethical theories
Meta Ethics
Looks ‘beyond’ specific ethical theories to larger questions about the origin, meaning and language of morality and moral discourse
Divine Command Theory
Is a normative theory which raises a meta-ethical question:’is ethical behaviour dependent on a divine being?’
It is absolutist
Objective theory
promoting a standard of right and wrong that is binding an all humans
Relativist Theory
the view that there is no absolute right and wrong
Objective Theory
morality is independent of one's feelings and views
Subjective Theory
a theory is dependent on a personal view
Believing that they have a duty to act on God's laws regardless of consequences
One type of teleological approach
from Greek word 'telos' meaning 'end' or 'purpose'
Morality from a Divine Source
Approach of many monotheistic religions
Principles of the Sermon on the Mount are examples of ‘Divine Command’
Right or wrong as objective truths based on God’s will/command
An omnipotent and omniscient God is capable of revealing the way humans ought to act
A 'Strong form' of Divine Command Theory
God has commanded specific ethical actions; the minutest detail must be obeyed
A 'Weak form' of Divine Command Theory
God does not care about minutiae but gives commands that determine the boundaries and content of one's decision making
Euthyphro Dilemma
Does God command something becuase it is morally right, or is it morally right beacuse it is commanded?
God commands something because it is morally right
If this is true, then morality is above God- God is not omnipotent, morality is. Morality is something God neither created nor controls
Something is morally right because it is commanded
If this is true, God could command anything, even genocide, and it would be morally right. THis is known as the aerbitrariness problem
Robert Adams
Refined Divine Command theory to meet the Euthyphro challenge
Omnipotence of God
He argues that the omnipotence of God is preserved by seeing that morality comes from God
However, god is not arbitrary because God’s character is omnibenevolent
- the Euthyphro dilemma left out a critical dimenssion of judeo-christian belief: the loving character of God
Adams: Divine Command is practical, intelligible..
Practical: we aren't demoralised by relativism
Intelligible: it is easy to grasp
Objective: it does not depend on one's feelings
Adams' approach can be questioned
is God's nature good because it is God's or because it is good? - an Omnibenevolence dilemma
Interpretations of morality
The fact that there are many interpretations of morality within a religion could be a weakness of Divine Command theory
There are a variety of different interpretations
There are different views on:
Shari’a in Islam
Diversity in Buddhist understandings of the Buddha
Christian disagreement over the relationship between faith and works
Conflict between the harsh comments of the Bible on homosexuality (Leviticus 20:13) and the tolerance, love and forgiveness of Jesus. This suggests that commands in sactred texts could be relative to history and social context
Moral approaches between religions
Differences of moral approaches between religions weaken the idea of one Divine Command theory for the human race
Elevation of an external authority
A further challenge is that Divine Command theory, based on the elevation of an external authority, threatens scientific progress and individual rights- both themes of the European Enlightenment
A 'Virtue'
A quality of mind or a disposition that helps us achieve excellence in our actions
Virtuous habits
Virtue theory does not consider ethics to be centred so much on rules of behaviour but on the development of virtuous habits
Contrast to the 'God-centred' approach
In contrast to the ‘God-centred’ approach of Divine command theory, virtue theory ia agent-centred
Set out his ethical views in the Nicomachean Ethics
His approach is teleological
The highest human good is eudaimonia meaning human flourishing
Faculty of Reason
Humans need to use the faculty of reason to reflect upon habits in order to discover eudaimonia
Virtue Theory
The result of reasoned reflection on habits and human action is virtue
A virtue is a disposition or inclination of character achieved by practice
There are 2 types of virtue: intellectual and moral
Intellectual and moral virtue
Intellectual virtue: found through education; it creates knowledge
Moral virtue: built by contemplating failures and successes. It is learned through practical reason
Balanced morality
The moral virtues are cultivated by finding the mean between two extremes
One extreme is excess: too much of the qualities associated with a virtue
One extreme is deficiency: having too few of the qualities associated with a virtue
Aristotle spoke often of four virtues
Courage: bravery at the right time and with the right motivation
Temperance: the restraint of desires or passions
Wisdom: discovers and manages all virtues
Justice: giving to others what they are due; this is the outcome of living virtuously
Jesus: a virtue ethicist?
In the New Testament, Jesus announces eight virtues in the Sermon on the Mount; these are different from Aristotle’s list
Some scholars view these virtues are echoes of Isaiah 61:1-3
He said that those with these virtues are ‘blessed’ because they will receive a reward
Challenges to Virtue Theory: Vague
Not practical as it is vague and difficult
Virtue theory may be seen as vague because it does not provide focused norms for concrete situations. For instance, it makes no comment about pacifism, euthanasia, slavery or a host of other issues for which norms and laws could provide guidence
Challenges to Virtue Theory: impractical
Aristotle says that it is very difficult to find the ‘middle’ or mean between extremes
Those who follow virtue theory are required to find the mean, simultaneously, for numerous character traits
Challenges to Virtue Theory: Arbitrary
Another challenge to this theory is the insight that any of the virtues is arbitrary and can be viewed as culturally relative
Challenges to the Virtue Theory: Aristotle
Aristotle’s list reflects the cultural norms for wealthy men in his society; he does not challenge convention
Aristotle believed that men were more virtuous than women ‘... male is by nature superior, and the female inferior; and the one rules, and the other is ruled’
Challenges to Virtue Theory: Tool of culture
Rather than being a theory that is based on objective truth, virtue ethics may merely be a tool of culture to promote the powerful against the powerless
Challenges to the Virtue Theory:Convenient/immoral
Convenient: virtue theory can be defined so as to omit traits so that one finds life convenient
Immoral: one can be virtuous but commit acts which others would find immoral
For example, one could exercise courage in war without questioning the bias of that war
Or, one could exercise self-control when what is most needed is passionate commitment to a cause
Ethical Egoism
A ‘normative theory’; it prescribes the norm or rule to base one’s actions on self-interest
Critical of the notion of altruism, the idea that we can act from purely selfless concern for others
Psychological egoism
The insight that we are always motivated by self interest; this is a description of human moral behaviours
If we enjoy acting ‘selflessly’ or benefit in any way from the end goal, then we are not acting altruistically but are psychologically motivated by self-interest
Max Stirner
Author of The Ego and His Own
Recognised the truth of psychological egoism but noted that most self-interest is deluded because it does not recognise the nature of the true self
The way that self-interest is often understood makes one a slave to something other than the self. It is, therefore, not true self-interest.
Any religious, philosophical or materialistic framework for moral behaviour becomes a controlling system
An external ideology never leads one to true self-interest and true freedom
Controlling System
even if we think it is in our 'self-interest' to follow that system
True Self
The true self is one that is not mastered by any system, is not mastered by sensuality or emotions, and knows the truth that one is unique with unique needs
Ideals and Systems that control us
Church and moral systems
Challenges of Ethical Egoism
Lead to the breakdown of community
A state’s laws protect individuals from other individuals, interest groups, and companies which care more for power and profit than for the welfare of all
Regulations about the sale of cigarettes have created sales restrictions and scientifically accurate warnings which benefit society more than if there were no restrictions
Challenges to Ethical Egoism: Stirner
He would insist that the upholding of the law or the demands of the state has an adverse effect on one’s personal freedom
He believed that the state would collapse as ethical egoism spread
He appears to open the door to mayhem by his declaration, ‘should i not help myself as well as I can?’
He might point out that social injustices and bigotry can also result from Idealism, a liberal state, a communistic government or any other system
Challenges to Ethical Egoism: Social Injustices
For the pursuit of one’s self-interest will inevitably lead to conflict with the interests of others. this , in turn, will lead to the powerful prevailing
For example, what if individuals in one ethnic group form a union of egoists to promote the superiority of their particular group? Would this not lead to a racist and violent society?