Populism: A vague, peasant centered idea on a Utopian ideas. Activities were 1884 Vera Figner being arrested, Students at St Petersburg Uni tried to make boms to kill Alex III 1886/7 = 5 Executed including Lenin's brother. No grate out come for them as Terror and propaganda had both faild.
Marxists: Ideas: all history is the history of class wars. 3 stages in history Feudal (serfs v Land owners) -> Industrial (workers v factory owners "Borshwarzi") -> communist people organize them selves and work together. 1883 Georgii Plekhanov starts Russian Marxist Group believed that peasants were an "inert mass". This turned in to the Russian Social Democratic Workers party under Lenin in 1898.
Social Revolutionaries: Less about theory or workers, more about peasants. little activity under Alex III, lacked a long term program become more important later, with use of terrorism.
Liberals: The urban well off middle class to rich to be Marxist. Wanted voting rights and modernisation, but not for every one. Responsible for the development of Zemstva. No use of boms just used Zemstva and purely intellectual ideas.
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