'It is better to begin abolishing serfdom from above than to wait for it to begin to abolish itself from below'
Positive effects:
Peasants began to have a more recognised citizenship in society
Negative effects:
Redemption payments had to be made - 49 year period at 6% interest
Land was only theirs after the last redemption payment
Peasants recieved small plots of land from landowners
Land admin carried out by mir
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Reasons for emancipating the serfs
It was thought that after emancipation, peasants would migrate to work in industry
Serfdom = outdated agricultural methods = restricted production = lack of food in growing towns
Serfs amde up the bulk of the army --> the Crimean War showed that they were weak and not professionally trained
Alexander II though emancipation would reduce number of peasant revolts
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1862-1874: Military Reforms
Alexander II ordered War Minister Milyutin to carry out military reforms
Better training of officers
Reduced period of service from 25 years to 15 years
More humane treatment of troops
A more professional army!
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1862-1881: Economic Reforms
Mikhail Reutern appointed Minister of Finance (1862-1878)
Aim: attract foreign investment to Russia
The staple industries (iron, coal, textiles) exapnded rapidly
Railways expanded sevenfold between 1862 and 1878
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1863: Educational Reforms
Promotion of private schools
Overhaul of the curriculum
Setting up of an inspection system (like Ofsted)
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1864: Political Reforms
The Zemstva (regional councils) were created to bring an element of democracy to local government
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1865: Media Reforms
New guidleines were issued for publishers and writers which provided greater freedom for induviduals to express their views
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1864: Legal Reforms
Judges received better pay - less likely to be bribed/corrupted
Juries were introduced
Courts made open to the public
Hierarchy of courts to deal with different cases
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First Assassination Attempt
In 1866, an assassination attempt was made. This slowed down the reform programme which is ironic: as the Russians were granted more liberties and freedoms, they attempt to kill the man repsonsible
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