Russo-Austria-Hungary rivalry in the Balkans: Chapter 3

  • Created by: Roxy001
  • Created on: 27-01-20 20:50

Aims of Austria-Hungary and Russia

  • As the power of the Ottoman Turks declined Individual nations, such as: Greece, Montenegro  and Serbia had achieved their independence by 1900 
  • Austria Hungary was deeply concerned about th increase in Nationalism within its empire and viewed the newly independent Balkan states as a threat - as Emperor Franz Joseph ruled over a wide range of ethnicities many of whom wanted independence and could look up to the Serbs, Montenegrians and Bulgarians for inspiration
  • Austria-Hungary's policy was to maintain freindly relationships with Balkan neighbours
  • Russia saw a useful opportubity to increase its international policy influence 
  • Majority of Russians were Slavs and the majority of Balkan people were Slaves 
  • Russia wanted to set up the newly independent states as client states and ensure long term loyalty to Russia 
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Rivalry in the Balkans

  • Different aims of Russia and Austria-Hungary in the Balkans had already provoked two crises in the late nineteenth centuary
  • After Russias victory in the Russo-Turkish war in 1878 Russia imposed the Treaty of San Stefano on the Turks - significantly increased Russia's territory and influence in the Balkans = other powers found this unacceptable 
  • An international congress was arranged in Berlin to limit Russia's gains - Treaty of Berlin in 1878 averted conflict between Russia and Austria-Hungary but failed to provide a long-term solution 
  • Treaty of Berlin allowed Austria-Hungary allowed Austria-Hungary to occupy Bosnia and Herzegovina - home to a large number of slavs 
  • Bulgaria had been Russia's most important client state following the Treaty of Berlin
  • In 1885 the Bulgarians showed their resentment towards the treaty and status as a satelite state of Russia 
  • Alexander of Bulgaria united his country with neighbour, Eastern Rumelia, and forced Russian officials to leave 
  • Tsar Alexander III was furious and forced Prince Alexander to abdicate 
  • Other Great Powers saw a strong Bulgarian state as a useful buffer against further Russian expansionism in the Balkans 
  • Serbia although under Austrian 'protection' that adopted a pro-Russian stance
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