Schizophrenia 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologySchizophreniaA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Jade19Created on: 14-06-17 22:57 Diagnoses and classification DSM-5 ICD-10 Positive Hallucinations and delusions Negative Aviolition and speech production 1 of 12 Diagnoses and classification - Evaluation Reliabilty Validity Co-morbidity Symptom overlap Gender Bias Cultural Bias 2 of 12 Biological Explanations Schizophrenia runs in families Candidate genes The dopamine hypothesis Hyperdopimergia in the subcortex Hypodominergia in the cortex Neural correlates of negative symptoms Neural correlates in positive symptoms 3 of 12 Biological Explanations -Evaluation Multiple sources of evidence for genetic succeptibility Mixed evidence for dopamine hypothesis The correlation-causation problem The role of mutuation The role of the psychological environment is important but unclear 4 of 12 Psychological Explanations The schizophrengenic mother Double-bind theory Expressed emotion Metarepresentation Central control 5 of 12 Psychological Explanations - Evaluation Support for family dysfunation as a risk factor Weak evidence for familt based explanations Strong evidence for dysfunctional information processing Evidence for biological factors is not adequetly considered Direction of casuality 6 of 12 Biological therapies Typical antipsychotics Chlorpromazine Atyical Antipsychotics Clozapine Risperidone 7 of 12 Biological therapies - Evaluation Evidence for effectiveness Serious side effects Use of antipsychotics depends on the dopamine hypothesis Problems with evidence for effectiveness The chemical cosh argument 8 of 12 Psychological therapies CBT Turkington et al Family therapy Token economies Tokens and rewards 9 of 12 Psychological therapies - Evaluation Evidence for effectiveness Treatments improve quality of life but do not cure Ethical Issues Quality of the evidence for effectiveness Alternative psychological treatments 10 of 12 The interactionist approach Meehl's model The modern understanding of diathesis The modern understanding of stress Treatment Drug therapies and CBT 11 of 12 The interactionist approach - Evaluation Evidence for the role of vunerability and triggers The orginal diathesis-stress model is over-simple Support for the effectiveness of combinations of treatments We don't know exactly ho diathesis and stress work The treatment-causation fallacy 12 of 12
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