Main Aspects...
Intensive farming is to try and produce as much food as possible from the land, plants and animals avaialble.
Efficent, however raises ethical dielmas.
Pesticides - remove animals that feed on crop - prevents energy being transferred from crop to consumers - reduces bio-diversity, may harm helpful organisims.
Herbicides - remove competing plants from the crop growing area - allows more energy to be transfered to crop - reduces bio-diversity, may have bad effect on health.
Insecticdes - used to kill insect pests. Fungicides - used to kill fungi.
Bilogical Control - an alternative to using pesticides, can effect food chains.
Advantages of Biological Control...
It's species specific.Can have an impact for a long time. Pest can't become resistant to predator, unlike pesticides.
Disadvantages of Bilogical Control...
Takes time, research and costs. Only one fifth are totaly succesful. Reduced but not completley removed.
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