science OCR bioligy Chromosomes are found in the Nucleus 2.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? ScienceBiologyGCSEAll boards Created by: HafsaCreated on: 02-04-10 16:40 Chromosomes Where are Chromosomes found ? In the Nucleus ! 1 of 6 b3 out of Chromosomes DNA Gene Which are the largest? Chrmosomes 2 of 6 inheritance The unit of inheritance is called Genes 3 of 6 To have cystic fibrosis the individual must have 2 faulty allels one form the mother and one form the farther 4 of 6 Huntintongs disease you need one copy of a Dominant allele to have Huntingtons diesase 5 of 6 Chromosomes The human body contains 23 pairs of Chromosomes 6 of 6
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