Explain contextual factors which help to create the data,
Question 3 AO2/AO3-10 Marks
Knowledge of Key Constituents,
Knowledge of Mode,Tenor,Field,Function,
Question 4 AO2/AO3-15 Marks
Investigate differences between types of data,
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Assessment Objectives
AO1-Select and apply a range of linguistic methods,to communicate relevant knowledge using appropriate terminology and coherent,accurate written expressions.
AO2-Demonstrate critical understanding of a range of concepts and issues relating to the construction and analysis of meanings in spoken and written language, using knowledge of linguistic approaches.
AO3-Demonstrate expertise and creativity in the use of English in a range of different contexts,informed by linguistic study.
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Linguistic Features
Syntax - The grammatical arrangement of words in sentences.
Morphology - The rules for forming admissible words.
Pragmatics - The study of language use.
Discourse - Extended verbal expression in speech or writing.
Lexis - All of the words in a language.
Semantics - The meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text.
Cohesion - The state of cohering or sticking together, if a sentence, for example is to be cohesive it would have to make sense.
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Key Constituents
Phonology-the sound of the letters,
Lexis-the word choice,
Morphology-the smallest unit of a word that holds gramatic meaning,
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