Sensation and Perception

  • Created by: Em
  • Created on: 22-07-16 05:34

Sensation and Perception


  • The process by which our sense organs/receptors detect and respond to sensory information that stimulates them  
  • Raw sensory data is meaningless 


  • The process by which we give meaning to raw sensory information using our conscious experience of our external/internal environments 
  • Interpreting sensations

Perceptual Set 

  • The predisposition to perceive something in accordance with what we expect it to be 
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Key Processes: Reception

1) Reception

  • The process of detecting and responding to incoming sensory information 
  • At this stage sensory information is in the form of energy which can't be sent into or processed by the brain 
  • The energy can't be sent along neural pathways to the brain
  • For vision the energy is light, for taste the form of energy is chemical molecules

Receptive field

  • The area of space in which a receptor can respond to a stimulus
    • For example, if you're looking at a computer, everything you see is your receptive field
    • Whatever you smell is in your receptive field, anything you touch is your receptive field, if you hear someone talking this is in your receptive field etc
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Key Processes: Transduction & Transmission

2) Transduction

  • The process by which receptors change the energy of the detected raw sensory information, into a form which can travel along neural pathways to the brain, as action potentials (neural impulses) 

3) Transmission

  • The process of sending the sensory information (as action potentials/neural impulses) to relevant areas of the brain via the thalamus
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Key Processes: Interpretation

4) Interpretation

  • The process in which incoming sensory information is given meaning so it can be understood 
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