Sociocultural aetiologies 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyPsychological disordersInternational BaccalaureateOther Created by: Elysia NorthallCreated on: 20-04-15 17:34 Basis of sociocultural aetiology Explains Anorexia due to society's emphasis on thinness In Western Socities (food is plentiful) = people value slimness This social phenomenon has changed over time, causing an increase in the prevalence of eating disorders In cultures where thinness is not seen as ideal, Anorexia is very uncommon and barely heard of Subcultures where thinness is especially valued (dancers, actors, models) are more concerned with WEIGHT A study found that 7% of dancers, model and actors are anorexic, compared to 0% of a control group of 81 female Uni students 1 of 6 Social Learning Theory We observe and imitate behaviour of those around us Look for role models to base our behaviour on See their behvaiour rewarded = VICARIOUS REINFORCEMENT Where we are more likely to imitate their behaviour Factors affecting imitation: gender, assets We are MORE LIKELY to imitate behaviour of someone the same gender as us Also MORE LIKELY to imitate behaviour of someone who is famous, has money and status (through motivation) 2 of 6 Cultural differences Anorexia is almost unheard of in Asian cultures, but is becoming more prevalent in Japan. which is becoming more westernised African-American girls are bigger and taller on average than their white counterparts, but are significantly less likely to develop an eating disorder This may be due to the fact that media images of the 'ideal' body type are predominantly white Fijian girls studied 3 years after the introduction of TV onto their Island Traditionally, the ideal figure of a girl/woman was robust and round Found that girls who reported watching TV more than 3 nights per week were 50% on average MORE LIKELY to describe themselves as too big & fat 3 of 6 Gender variations The SLT also explains the gender gap in eating disorders Emphasis on thinness is mostly applied to women Explains why 90% of sufferers are FEMALE Men are subjected to different sociocultural pressures regarding appearance Survery of male American College students found that the majority selected strong, muscular. 'broad shoulders' as the IDEAL BODY TYPE 4 of 6 Inconsistencies Not all women subjected to images of thin models develop Anorexia, so sociocultural explanations cannot be the only ones May have a genetic predisposition to the types of cognitions With social factors (e.g. media images of thin models) triggering this Anorexic behaviour 5 of 6 Conclusion The Social Learning Theory explanation of Anoreixa is strongly supported by research Can also explain various cultural and gender variations in prevalence rates, which most other theories cannot do There are inconsistenties in the generalisation of this theory to every person Therefore, this cannot be the only explanation fo Anorexia (see card 5) 6 of 6
Contrast 1 biological explanation of the origin of attraction with 1 psychological or social explanation. 0.0 / 5
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