Sharpe - feminism - improvement in achievement of girls due to changes in mabout market, changing attitudes and women sociologists encouraged teachers to be more aware of gender inequality
Mac an Ghail - ethnographic study - the way students perceived and responded to schooling was influenced by the ethnic group they belonged to
Gillborn & Youdell - teachers use stereotypical notions of 'ability' to stream pupils. Educational triage. Working class pupils are usually placed in bottom sets
Lacey - pupil subcultures. Pro-school subculture (those committed to the values of the school) and anti-school subculture (those places in low streams)
Sewell - lack of fatherly nurturing results in black boys finding it hard to overcome the emotional and behavioural difficulties of adolescence
Chubb & Moe - new right perspective - call for an introduction of a market system in state education that would put control in the hands of the consumers (parents and local communities). This would allow consumers to shape schools to meet their own needs and would improve quality and efficiency
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