Soft tissue, bone and joint infections
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- Created by: z
- Created on: 25-02-16 09:43
Defenses of skin and soft tissue
- bacteria/viruses cannot penetrate intact skin
- nonspecific defenses:
- exfoliation- sloughing off of stratum corneum dislodges adherent bacteria
- dryness- more infection in moist areas (groin etc)
- acidic pH -pH 5.5 due to hydrolisis of sebum acids by skin flora
- free fatty acids inhibit group A strep
- low temperature
- sweat glands- saltiness inhibits bacteria
- normal flora- compete with pathogens for colonisation sites and nutrients
- S. epidermidis (90% of peopole)
- S. aureus (80% of people)
- Micrococci
- Diphtheroids
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Common causative agents
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Gram postitive cocci
- coagulase positive
- form distinctive "golden colonies" on agar
- Streptococcus pyogenes
- AKA group A strep
- gram positive cocci
- beta haemolysis on agar
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Anatomical layers and related syndromes of infecti
- Skin
- epidermis>dermis
- impetigo
- folliculitis
- furunculosis
- carbunculosis
- erysipelas
- (cellulitis)
- epidermis>dermis
- subcutaneous tissues
- superficial fascia>subcut fat, nvs, art, vns>deep fascia
- (cellulitis)
- necrotising fascitis
- superficial fascia>subcut fat, nvs, art, vns>deep fascia
- muscle
- myonecrosis
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Predisposing factors to skin infection
- excessive moisture (induces breakdown of stratum corneum)
- occlusive dressings
- obesity- intertriginous folds (NB intertriginous=where 2 areas of skin rub together)
- minor abrasions
- surgery
- crush injuries (e.g. RTA)
- burns
- iatrogenic (hosiptal admission)
- percutaneous (e.g. IV catheters)
- bed sores
- any condition that compromises blood supply
- e.g. diabetics
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- superficial infection
- usually Staphylococcal
- sometimes also S. pyogenes
- friable golden crusts over erythematous skin
- more common in children
- highly infective
- Rx
- topical fucidin or mupirocin
- oral flucloxacillin if widespread or unresponsive
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Folliculitis and other pyogenic infections
- folliculitis
- infection of hair follicles
- follicle centred pustules
- common sites:
- scalp, groin, beard/moustache (moist areas w/ hair removal)
- mostly (95%) S. aureus
- infection of hair follicles
- furunculosis
- deep inflammatory lesion progressing from follicultitis
- carbuncle
- extends into subcut layer
- multiple abcesses, seperated by CT
- acute paronchia
- skin infection arising form nail
Treatment for all: oral flucloxacillin
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- acute, spreading infection of lower dermis and associated subcut layers
- diffuse inflammation without necrosis or localisation of pus "red halo"
- skin is hot, red and painful
- causative organisms:
- commonly S. aureus (CA-MRSA= community associated MRSA - NB less resistant)
- less commonly S. pyogenes, C. perfringens
- most commonly affects lower extremities
- diagnosis
- acute, tender, eythematous, swollen area of skin
- fever and malaise
- WCC and CRP
- NB blood cultures not useful unless pt septic
- treatment
- rest and elevation, mark area of cellultits
- oral penicilllin V & flucloxacillin (IV if severe)
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- well demarcated cellulitis with fever and malaise
- lesions raised above surrounding skin + clear line of demarcation
- diagnosis through clinical appearance
- S. pyogenes most common cause
- legs or face most common sites
- treatment: penicillin
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Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS)
- infants, young children and the immunocompromised
- mediated by production of exfoliative toxins A or B carried by ~3% S. aureus
- released into blood stream from localised infection
- causes widespread superficial exfoliation
- treatment: flucloxacillin
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Necrotising fasciitis
- caused by either single (eg Gp A) or multiple organisms
- bacteria enter fascial plane (via trauma/surgery/occult bacteraemia) and spread rapidly
- inflammatory response- vessel thrombosis- compromises blood supply and nerves to skin
- skin over infected area: red/dusky red/grey and painless
- inflammatory response- vessel thrombosis- compromises blood supply and nerves to skin
- 3 stages of symptoms
- early (<24hr)
- presence of skin trauma w/ pain disproportionate to injury
- flu like symptoms and thirst
- advanced
- swelling of painful area
- large violet blotches
- mottled, flaky appearance at trauma site
- critical symptoms
- toxic shock, severe fall in BP, unconsciousness
- early (<24hr)
- Treatment: IV antibiotics and surgery
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Gas gangrene
- Clostridium perfringens is most common cause
- common in past wars with devitalised wounds contaminated by soil
- can occur in synergistic infections
- e.g. wound infected by coliforms which use up oxygen crfeating conditions for anaerobes
- more common in pt w/ underlying blood vessel disease, DM or colon ca
- treatment: urgenct surgery to remove dead tissue
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Surgical site infection (SSI)
- "infections that affect the surgical wound or deeper tissues handled during the procedure resulting in local signs and clinical symtpoms" (within 30 days of surgery or 1 year if implant)
- classified as incisional or organ/space infection
- up to 20% of all healthcare associated infectioins- 5% of all surgeries
- typical features of SSI:
- incr exudate/swelling/erythema/pain/local temp,
- change in granulation tissue- discolouration, prone to bleed, highly friable
- factors that impact on SSI
- pt- extremes of age, poor nutritional state, obesity, immunocompromised,smoking
- procedural- scrub, pre-op shaving & skin prep, skin anti-sepsis, length of op, thearte ventilation, instrument sterilisation, foreign material in surgical site
- microbial- level of contamination
- prevention
- pre-op: patient prep, hair removal, antibiotic prophylaxis, staff prep
- intra-op: team prep, pt skin prep, pt homeostasis, wound dressings
- post-op: dressing and wound cleaning, ab Rx, debridement, wound care services
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Septic arthritis
- infection of joint space
- S. aureus, Streptococci, Gram negatives
- esp if Hx of RA or trauma
- routes of bacterial entry:
- haematogenous (most important)
- direct inoculation via trauma
- arthritis with assoc tendonitis
- bacteria enter joint space>inflammatory response>neutrophil invasion
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Acute osteomyelitis
- S. aureus, H. influenzae, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis
- via direct inoculation (trauma/surgery) or haematogenous route
- pathology
- bacteria in metaphysis results in: oedema, incr vascularity, influx polymononuclear L
- blood supply to area decr: necrosis of infected bone- formation of sequestrium
- residual dead bone acts as foreign body- hard to eradicate bacteria (chronic progresion)
- acute clinical features:
- adults- severe pain, decr mvmt, fever/malaise, backache, history of UTI or uro surg
- infant- failure to thrive, drowsy, irritable, metaphyseal tenderness, decr ROM
- acute osteomyelitis diagnosis:
- Hx and exam
- FBC, ESR, blood culture,aspiration (NB risk of introducing more infection)
- XR (normal in first 10-14 days), USS, bone scan, MRI
- treatment: flucloxacillin (clindamycin if allergic) or vancomycin if MRSA (+ fusidic acid, linezolid or rifampicin if prothesis present or life threatening condition) for 4-6/12 wk (ac/chr)
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Diabetic foot infections
- cellultis > deep soft tissue infection > osteomyelitis
- organisms
- skin organisms: S. aureus, Gp A strep, diphtheroids
- gram -ve bacilli: E. coli, K. pneumoniae, Pseudomonos spp
- anaerobes
- RFs
- vascualr disease
- peripheral neuropathy
- poor foot care
- Treatment:
- mild
- flucloxacillin (if MRSA- doxacycline/if pen allergy- clindamycin)
- moderate
- co-amoxiclav (if MRSA- add vancomycin/pen allergy- clindamycin)
- severe
- Tazosin (add vancomycin if MRSA/pen allergy- meropenem)
- mild
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Viruses and dermatophyte infections
- viruses
- HSV and VZV produce vesicular lesions
- HSV normally only gentital/oral regions
- both can persist in DRG- can reactive w/ dermatomal distribution
- other V have characteristic skin rashes
- rubella, measles, parvovirus, HSV6
- HSV and VZV produce vesicular lesions
- dermatophyte infcetion (ringworm)
- fungi that invade dead tissues or its appendages (nails/hair)
- most common are Trichophton, Epidermophyton, MIcrosporum
- hard to distinguish clinically
- spread person-person or animal-person
- diagnosis clinically acording to site:
- tinea pedis (athletes foot)
- tinea barbae (Barbers itch)
- treatment: topical imidazoles/oral triazone if resistant or widespread
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