Soul,mind and body 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesPhilosophyA2/A-levelOCR Created by: MaddybashirCreated on: 22-12-21 17:01 Platos beliefs Soul comes from the world of the forms dualist - body and soul unite at birth and soul survives after death temporary and essential 2 horses and chariot - irrational desires, moral impulses and intellect philosophers souls live on in a state of wisdom Offers a rational argument for an existence of another reality - Stephen evans infleunces later christian thought evidence suggests the mind is dependent on the brain as drugs have an effect. Bernard willaims contradicts christian ideas that god created the soul as plato argues it already exists relies on the idea that our senses cannot be trusted 1 of 6 Aristotle’s belief soul and body cannot be separated believes only humans have the Faculty of intellect and reason. Believes souls do not interfere with personality soul gives living things their essence gives bodily matter its form, effiency and telos thought the soul was a substance Uses empirical evidence and reflections from the natural world Supported by aquinas although aristotle doesnt have concrete evidence arguable that animals do have the faculty to reason 2 of 6 Aquinas beliefs Animates and gives the body life soul = anima soul survives death and cannot be separated although contradicts himself and says it is temporarily separated for judgement at purgatory Develops aristotles ideas christians integrated this teaching into their theology contradicts himself responds to contradiction saying body replaces atoms every 7 years 3 of 6 Descartes beliefs Substance dualist identity comes from ability to think or reason mind cant be within the brain as the brain relates to sense experience which is mistaken material body and immaterial soul which lives on If the mind is non physical how can it cause things to occur ? Ghost in the machine Ryle 4 of 6 Hick beliefs Body and soul cannot be separated replica theory - replicated version of us replicates in replica world after death soul = our entire selves Extremely vague theory not everyone gets replicated no empirical evidence unsupported 5 of 6 Dawkins beliefs No part of us which isn't physical consciousness cannot be separated from the brain no need for existence of souls hard materialist genes distinguish us not souls modernised and scientific research counters religious perspectives 6 of 6
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