The Triumviratewas both good and bad, good as it helped Trotsky get power, just. Zinoviev and Kamenev needed Stalin to make up votes, if Lenin's testament had have been published it would have spelt disaster making them and him look bad but also Stalin wouldn't have the votes so that theywould have gained the majority so Trotsky would still have won.
Zinoviev and Kamenev argued for Stalin to keep his job (bad move) as they believed he had changed since Lenin had written his testament thus no need to remove him. They agreed that publishing the works would undermine the government's authority, should be a secret.
After retaining general secretary, Stalin used it against Trotsky, giving lists to the local parties of approved candidates for the Party Congress which they hada 'free' choice over who to send, the approved were all Stalin's supporters, so Stalin has complete control
Zinoviev and Kamenev attempted to to suggest that Trotsky's ideals were not that of Lenin's and his 'Trotskyism' was a form of Menshevism and incompatible with that of Leninism. they emphasised the disagreements between Lenin and Trotsky during 1903-1917, questioning his loyalty. Due to this Congress condemned Trotsky for forming a faction against Lenin.
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