The string quartet was a Classical-era genre 'invented' by Haydn
Violin Iis allocated most of the melodic interest - with remaining instruments providing support - melody-dominated homophony
Rhythm and Metre
The time signature is compound duple (6/8) apart from the slow Adagio section near the end which is simple duple (2/4)
Because of the speed of the music, note lengths are no shorter than a quaver except for a few demisemiquavers and semiquavers in the Adagio
Rests play an important role,especially in setting up the jokes at the end
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String Quartet 'The Joke', movement 4 - Haydn - 2
Phrasing is frequently periodic, in other words balanced two- and four-bar phrases, characteristic of Classical music
There is much stepwise (conjunct) movement with the occasional larger interval
Chromatic notes are introduced
Haydn uses the occasional ornament and appoggiatura
Functional,with frequent cadences, often preceded by the supertonic (II) chord, as in bars 7-8
Dominant pedals
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String Quartet 'The Joke', movement 4 - Haydn - 3
(Harmony continued)
Second inversion chords are left unresolved for humorous effect
The key is Eb major, defined by cadences and pedals
Modulation is limitedand involves Ab and F minor in the first episode, with occasionaly brief excursions to Bb
Rondo form
Opening 8 bars frequently recur
At first, it is part of a rounded binary structure: A/BA with repeats
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String Quartet 'The Joke', movement 4 - Haydn - 4
(Structure continued)
ABA (no repeats)
C1 (removal of Db's avoids modulation)
A with phrases seperated by rests
Intruments (strings) used conventionally (bowed throughout)
Melody-dominated homophony
Variety in textureis managed through alternations between differing numbers of parts, for example four parts at opening, followed by just the three upper parts
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String Quartet 'The Joke', movement 4 - Haydn - 5
(Resources/Texture continued)
Haydn also uses:
Pedal pointsof both sustained notes and articulated quavers
Upper two parts in 3rds and 6ths
Inverted pedals in top part with lower parts exchanging melody lines
Double-stopping in the Adagio
Dynamics and articulation indications are detailed
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