1) Substance dualism entails that we are two things, mind and body, connected together. We can object that our experience is of being just one thing. (The Mind-Body Problem)
2)Neuroscience has shown that the mind is very dependent on the brain, which underminds the idea that the mind is a seperate substance. Descartes can respond that the dependence is causal, not logical.
3)Substance dualism faces the problem of explaining how the mind, given that it is so different from the body, can cause physical events.
4) Descartes assumes we can make sense of the idea of our minds existing alone, without any other mind or physical world. This entails that words must get their meaning by referring to our ideas, thoughts and sensations. But if this is true, the word 'experience' means my experience. Since it is logically impossible that anyone else should hve my experience, it is logically impossible that anyone else should have experience, This is solipsism.
5) Substance dualism also faces the challenge of showing that we can know other minds exist. If minds are logically independent of bodies, any evidence from someone's bodily behaviour does not prove they have a mind.
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