Dervishes are Sufi mystics who practice particular excercises (Dhikrs).Dervishes believe that humanity is in a state of 'sleep'. Dervishes seek to be 'loosened from earth's glue', to come close to Allah. Freed from all worldly cares and anxieties, they are to become channels for Allah's light.
They are not impressed by cleverness of academic learning. Personal experience is what counts. The most simple of souls could be the richest in this respect. They are critical of 'empty' learning, clever knowledge for its own sake that cannot be put to practical use.
"A donkey may be loaded with books, but that does not make him intelligent. How does he know whether he is carrying books, or wood for the fire?"- Rumi
Various practices/ Dhikr can include the whirling dance or sama (which is why they are known as the whirling dervishes), breathing excersises, and concentrating on Allah in an intense way
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