The Shape of the New Keynesian Short-Run Aggregate
almost horizontal at low levels of national income
gradually steepens as bottlenecks or shortagesoccur.
vertical as it approaches full employment.
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The Aggregate Supply Curve and Production Bottlene
trade off between increase in national income / price rises depends on how large the output gap is. If AD continues to shift to the right = means that national income only rise by small amounts but the pressure on resources will cause the price level to rise more quickly.
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The Aggregate Supply Curve and Production Bottlene
output gap wrong=to unanticipated consequences.
Rising prices little growth
Large fall in national income little impact inflation levels
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Sustained Economic Growth
Shifting the aggregate supply to the right can = sustained growth.
Increases living standards
Reduces unemployment
Keeps prices stable
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Market-orientated supply-side policies
Interventionist supply-side policies
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Market Orientated Supply-Side Policies
There are four elements
A.Reform tax and welfare policy.
B.Flexible labour markets.
C.Reducing government spending.
D. Privatization and deregulation
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The Laffer Curve and Supply-Side Economics
The Laffer curve looks at the relationship between tax rates and tax revenue.
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Flexible Labour Markets
Three aspects to getting more flexible labour markets
Reduce tradeunion power and encourage local level wage agreements.
Reduce rigidities in the labour market
Improving market information for employers, workers and the unemployed.
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Interventionist Supply-Side Policies
Four key aspects to interventionist supply-Side policies.
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