Involves procedures that require the opening of the chest, abdomen or cranium (brain). This part of the procedure itself causes significant injury to a patient, which might take several weeks to heal completely. Organs such as the heart and brain are extrenely delicate and a surgical procedure miht take several hours.
Blood loss is a problem in operations; it is sometimes necessary for the patient to have a transfusion of blood during the procedure.
Usually requires a general anaesthetic, putting patients to sleep, immobilising them and preventing them from any feelings of pain. However, operations on the brain are usually performed with a local anaesthetic, because it is useful for the patient to be alert. The brain has no pain sensors.
Patients are admitted to hospital a day or two before major surgery and may have to stay a week following the operation.
Whenever incisions are made and body cavities openes, there is a risk of infection. For this reason, operations are carried out in operating theatres in which aseptic conditions are managed.
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