Sustainable Management - SMMA St Lucia 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyEcosystems and biodiversity under threatA2/A-levelAll boards Created by: naomiCreated on: 10-01-14 17:13 What were the main problems in this area? degredation of coastal water quality - direct impacts on human health and the well-being of the reef ecosystem depletion of near-shore fish reserves less of the economic, scientific and recreational potential of coral reefs, particularly for diving tourism degredation of beach landscapes and environmental quality by hotel developments etc pollution from rubbish disposal in ravines or into the sea yacht anchor damage to reefs sedimentation of the reefs caused by runoff from rivers and storm damage 1 of 4 Main stakeholders and conflicts between them conflict between commercial dive operators and fishermen over the use of coral reefs between yaughts and fishermen because of anchoring in fishing areas between local community and hoteliers over access to beaches between fishermen and local and national authorities over the location of a jetty in a fishing priority area between fishermen and hoteliers over the use of the beaches for commercial fishing or recreational, tourism-orientated activities 2 of 4 Positives Social: gets people actively involved tries to apply aims to all key players and people allows everything to happen in MODERATION bottom up Economic income from tourism provides jobs fair distribution of areas for equal access to income Environmental sustainable focusses on a large area 3 of 4 Negatives Social: lots of conflict with those it effects opposition - fishermen restrited to certain zones - not impressed! only local - not national/international Economic: not necessarily economically sustainable possible lower income for fishermen who are now restricted on where they can catch their fish expensive and may not be successful Environmental: may not be succcesful more areas designated for tourism, even though still restricted, means more damage can be done 4 of 4
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