Form-8 stanzas-12 lines each. First 8 lines are static description, last 4 are repeated spoken refrain. It is an unknown narrator.
Structure-Iambic tetrameter throughout with the exception of lines 10 and 12 whihc are iambic trimeter- an expression of her feelings. Rhym is ABABCDDCEFEF. The time is slow due to the lack of enjambment . There is a repeated refrain the voice of the narrator- Voices in the story.
Language- Static description thought- relefection of life.Makes the reader overlook her, she is not important. 'poplar' the only feature of landscape- scenes and places. No action in the poem nothing happens, she wishes to die. Emphasis on adjectives, she is the objects. personififcation of the grange is a reflection on her - she has been abdondoned- character. Deppresion, no connection with the outside world. Representation of time 'my life', 'the night', 'the day' 'I' nothing changes for her. Anaphoric 'old' ehances a sense of loss. The last stanza the refrain changes,shows that she has given up hope- destination.
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