- Created by: emsharpx
- Created on: 21-09-18 13:52
Present Tense (-ER verbs)
Remove -ER, and add:
- Je _____e
- Tu _____es
- Il/Elle/On ____e
- Nous ____ons
- Vous ____ez
- Ils/Elles ____ent
Present Tense (-IR verbs)
Remove -IR, and add:
- Je ____is
- Tu ____is
- Il/Elle/On ____it
- Nous ____issons/ons
- Vous ____issez/ez
- Ils/Elles ____issent/ent
Present Tense (-RE verbs)
Remove -RE, and add:
- Je ____s
- Tu ____s
- Il/Elle/On ____
- Nous ____ons
- Vous ____ez
- Ils/Elles ____ent
Imperfect Tense
To use when: a regular past event, description or opinion
Put verb in present tense, nous form and then minus -ons:
- Je ____ais
- Tu ____ais
- Il/Elle/On ____ait
- Nous ____ions
- Vous ____iez
- Ils/Elles ____aient
same endings as conditional tense
Passe Compose (etre)
When to use: a specific event and what took place at that exact moment
To use etre: with Mrs Vandertramp or reflexive verbs:
- Je suis
- Tu es
- Il/Elle/On est
- Nous somes
- Vous etes
- Ils/Elles sont
Add: agreement and past participle
ER - é
IR - i
RE - u
Passe Compose (avoir)
- J'ai
- Tu as
- Il/Elle/On a
- Nous avons
- Vous avez
- Ils/Elles ont
Add: past participle
Irregular past participles
Avoir - to have - eu - had
boire - to drink - bu - drank
devoir - to have to - du - had to
etre - to be - ete - have been
faire - to do - fait - have done
pouvoir - to be able to - pu - was able to
prendre - to take - pris - took
recevoir - to recieve - recu - recieved
voir - to see - vu - saw
vouloir - to want - voulu - wanted
Future Tense
When to use: I will......
Keep infinitive and add:
- Je ____ai
- Tu ____as
- Il/Elle/On ____a
- Nous ____ons
- Vous ____ez
- Ils/Elles ____ont
(same endings as avoir)
Forming future tense with Irregular Verbs
Infinitive - Stem
aller - ir__
avoir - aur__
devoir - devr__
etre - ser__
faire - fer__
pouvoir - pourr__
venir - viendr__
voir - verr__
vouloir - voudr__
Conditional Tense
When to use: I would.....
Keep infinitive and add:
- Je ____ais
- Tu ____ais
- Il/Elle/On ____ait
- Nous ____ions
- Vous ____iez
- Ils/Elles ____aient
Imperfect Irregulars
Infinitive - Stem
Etre - et____
Avoir - av____
Boire - buv____
Faire - fais____
Pouvoir - pouv____
Voir - voy____
Vouloir - voul____
The Subjunctive (Present)
When to use: judgement, opinion, doubt or emotion. Wishing/ fearing/ giving opinion and saying how you feel
Only the stem, and then add:
- Je ____e
- Tu ____es
- Il/Elle/On ____e
- Nous ____ions
- Vous ____iez
- Ils/Elles ____ent
Irregulars for the Subjunctive
aller - aille__
avoir - ai__
devoir - doiv__
etre - sois (stays the same for each pronoun)
faire - fasse__
pouvoir - puiss__
prendre - prenn__
savoir - sach__
venir - vienn__
vouloir - veuill__
When to use: events that had happened.
Use the imperfect form of avoir or etre (av- and et-) and add the past participle of the main verb.
Imperfect endings (same as conditional):
- Je ___ais
- Tu ___ais
- Il/Elle/On ____ait
- Nous ____ions
- Vous ____iez
- Ils/Elles ____aient
ER - e
IR - i
RE - u
Immediate future
To use when: I'm going to.....
Use correct form of the future tense of 'aller' and then add infinitive of main verb:
- Je vais.......
- Tu vas.......
- Il/Elle/On va.......
- Nous allons......
- Vous allez.......
- Ils/Elles vont.......
Then add infinitve.
The Future Perfect Tense
To use when: expressing what will have happened at some point in the future.
Conjugate avoir in future tense and add past participle of the infinitve.
- Je aurai......
- Tu auras.....
- Il/Elle/On aura.....
- Nous aurons....
- Vous aurez....
- Ils/Elles auront.....
Add past participle to verb: è, i, u
The Conditional Perfect Tense
To use when: expressing what would have happened (usually if something else had happened)
Use conditional of avoir or etre and add the past participle to the verb
- Je aurais/etais
- Tu aurais/ etais
- Il/Elle/On aurait/ etait
- Nous aurions/ etions
- Vous auriez/ etiez
- Ils/Elles auraient/ etaient
Add past participle to main verb: é, i, u
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