Genre: Naturalist novel. evon underwent economic and social change. Rural economy dependent on urban markets.
However, Hardy wasnt always accurate in his details as Tess wouldnt have worked on a Thrashing machine in the late 1880s. He wanted to show the impacts of moral concerns of the period on familes like the Durbeyfields.
7 Phases and chaging seasons which creates a sense of versimilitude and realism. Time and place thus influence mood and underline Tess' development and well-being. Archaic and complex lexis used to heighten intensity, making the audience view the ordinary in a new light - defamiliarisation. Also due to his educated audience. Tess converges to Angel while using her own dialect - two worlds demonstrating the struggle of industrialisation.
Predominantly uses omniscient narrator and Hardy interupts to expresss his own views as he was critical of victorian society. For example, he challenges the the representation on rural people in chapter 18 in his discussion of the stereotypical Hodge. He also relays his narration through minor characters like Mrs Brooks in chapter 56 as she finds Alec's body. This shows detchment from the main chacters while still explaining the falling action of Tess' 'fate'. Perhaps a minor role was used to show how Tess' mindset was hard to comprehend.
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