Czecholosovakia was a satellite state, where Communism had few benefits - it was run by the secret police and R control of the economy made it poor and living standards low.
Dubcek became Communist Party Leader in Czechoslovakia on the 5th January 1968. He was a committed Communist; his aim was to create a genuinely popular form of communism known as 'socialism with a human face'. He wanted to remove the most repressive areas of communist rule.
He introduced remorms including:
- Relaxation of censorship
- legalisation of polictical oopposition groups and toleration of political critisism
- freedom of speech, assembly and religion
- reduction of the powers of the secret police
The reforms were enthusiastically welcomed by students, intellectuals and workers. Artists and writers took full advantage of the reforms, immediatley creating work critcal of soviet-style communism.
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