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The Cosmological, Teleological and Ontological Arguments' Strengths and Weaknesses
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- Created by: emily_clark07
- Created on: 11-06-19 12:07
The Cosmological Argument Strengths
- 13th Century (Church = all power)
- 'Summa Theologica'
- First Way- God = unmoved mover, "that which all men call God"
- Second Way- infinity is impossible, causes and effects (nothing can cause itself)
- Third Way- Everything is contingent but God is necessary
- 384BC- 322BC
- Never stated God exists, instead there is the Prime Mover = "pure actuality", ensures there is no endless chain of cause and effect, everything is drawn to their perfection
Al Ghazali:
- Kalam Cosmological Argument
- Real point in which the universe began, no infinite regress
- "The world must have had a cause to bring it about"
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The Cosmological Argument Strengths
- Developed Kalam (1993)
- Everything that exists, must have a cause- the universe must have had a cause
- No scientific explanation can prove the answer so it must be God (personal agent)
- Everything has a sufficient reason including the universe
- 'Gometry Book'
- Intelligent Cause = God as he is infinite and perfect
- 1907- 94
- "God is his own sufficient reason" making the universe contingent
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The Cosmological Argument Weaknesses
- 1872- 1970
- 'Why I am not a Christian?'- "I should say that the universe is there and that is all"
- First Cause Argument is imprecise and involves an inductive leap (Fallacy of Composition)
- Necessary being is meaningless
- 1711- 1776 (Age of Enlightenment)
- 'Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion'
- God could have been caused (flawed theory)
- Shouldn't assume the universe has a cause and there is no need for sufficient reason
- 1724- 1804
- God is outside our understanding
- A cause for everything only applies to a world of sense experience and so cannot be applied to God as we have not experienced him
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The Cosmological Argument Weaknesses
- 1931
- Animals and people move themselves, not God
- First Law of Motion- no external agent is involved with the bodies motion
Steady State Theory:
- Universe = eternal and so there could not have been a first cause
Big Bang Theory:
- The universe has been able to expand and will continue to grow for millions of years
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The Teleological Argument Strengths
- 1225- 1274
- Fifth Way- something that lacks intelligence cannot achieve its telos without being directed, e.g can arrow cannot shoot itself
- Design Qua Regularity- everything follows natural laws but cannot think for themselves without being directed by the intelligent being God
- 1743- 1805
- 'Natural Theology'
- Discovering a stone vs. a watch- complexity infers a designer = watchmaker
- The universe is also complex and infers a designer = God
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The Teleological Argument Strengths
- 1866-1957
- 'Philosophical Theology'- "God reveals himself in many ways"
- Anthropic Principle- science supports idea of an intelligent designer, evolution has led to the development of human life
- Aesthetic Principle- Benevolent God wanted us to enjoy life and find things "beautiful"
- 21st Century
- 'The Existence of God'
- Universe Accidental?- Universe appears ordered and cannot be by chance
- Science cannot explain all the answers
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The Teleological Argument Weaknesses
- 19th Century
- 'Origin of Species by Natural Selection'- survival of the fittest and random variations
- 21st Century
- 'The Selfish Gene'- biological impulses drive life forwards and evolution is carried out by spontaneous variations (not God)
- "We are survival machines" in a mechanic universe
- 19th Century
- Nature is guilty as she destroys the lives of others and she goes unpunished
- Therefore the world cannot be ordered (and no God)
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The Teleological Argument Weaknesses
- 18th Century Atheist
- Provided 6 criticisms:
- Unsound Analogy- Superhuman concept of God is inconsistant
- God more Human than Divine
- Non-Moral God- Could God be flawed like the world is?
- Universe Accidental
- Possible Analogies- God could be dead? Could there be other worlds?
- Similar Effects, Similar Causes- cause = proportionate to effect
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The Ontological Argument Strengths
- 11th Century
- 'Proslogion'- "I believe in order to understand"
- God's existence is necessary and contingent
- He has to exist, "nothing greater can be conceived"
Anselm (AGAINST Gaunilo):
- Islands cannot be maximally great and necessary like God
- 20th Century with 'The Philosophical Review'
- If his existence was impossible, he wouldn't be the greatest possible being
- "His existence is necessary" not a quality
- Since there is no disproof, he exists
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The Ontological Argument Strengths
- 'Discourse on Method'
- "I think therefore I am"- from our knowledge = God
- Distinguished between essence (the properties that make up a substance) and existence
- 1. I exist, 2. In our minds there is the idea of a supremely perfect being, 3. A supremely perfect being must exist in order to be supremely perfect, 4. God exists
- Modal Ontological Argument looking at possible worlds
- In a possible world there exists a maximally great being, he has to exist in all worlds (including ours) in order to be maximally great
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The Ontological Argument Weaknesses
- 11th Century
- Island Analogy- "for if it did not exist, any other island existing would be better than it"
- Anselm's logic is "absurd"
- If you could imagine the island of your dreams, it would exist. Otherwise it wouldn't be the best island, there would be one better, and then that island would be better
- Theist
- Disagrees with the argument because our rational knowledge of God can only be gained through sensory experiences not from our minds
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The Ontological Argument Weaknesses
- In the 18th Century created the Ontological Argument
- Existence isn't a quality
- The question, "Does God exist?", could be true or false as any statement about an object can be contradictory
- However, if it is held not to exist in the 1st place, then it has no existence to be contradicted (God)
CRITICISMS of Plantinga:
- Couldn't we also conceive of a world without a maximally great being, or perhaps a maximally evil being?
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