Hindered by 1873 depression, just like Reconstruction
The New Union and the World
Looks towards Asia, Latin America (1894)
Silver and Gold
Congress during the Civil War:
Created a new national banking system
Instituted a protective tariff
The New Union and the World
After the Civil War, American sought to extend beyond its borders
Treaty of Kanagawa - US could refuel ships
Most Americans did not want conquest
Burlingame Treaty – protected US missionaries in China, emigration of Chinese to US (cheap labor)
Integrating the National Economy:
RRs – began in the 1830s,
Tariffs and Economic Growth: Tariff – tax on imported goods (largest source of revenue for the government) Republicans favored tariffs, protect industries
The Role of Courts:
Munn v. Illinois – states could regulate certain businesses (RRs); later overturned
Many Mexican Americans were forced to leave land in the southwest
Silver and Gold:
in the 1870s (backing paper $ with gold)
Hurt those in debt (less $ in circulation)
Will become a major issue
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Incorporating the West
Land Acts: Homestead Act (1862)
Land to those willing to move west and improve the property
Morrill Act (1862)
Allowed states to sell land and use $ for colleges and universities
Mining Empires
Comstock Lode -- Nevada
Timber industries grew in the NW -- altered the environment
Cattlemen on the Plains
Cattle Ranches
Long Drive -- herding cattle hundreds of miles north to RRs to sell
Barbed wire allowed farmers to abandon the Long Drive
Blizzard of 1886 - 1887 left many cowboys broke
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A Harvest of Blood: Native Peoples Dispossessed Co
Western Myths and Realities
Fredrick Jacksons Tuner's Frontier's Thesis
The end of the frontier ended a unique era
The frontier contributed to the American identity
Helped make American society different from Europe
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