The Italian kingdom was in a period of civil war following the death of its king, Lothar IV, so Otto took advantage of this and intervened, wanting the pope to crown him emperor. So, a series of Italian expeditions took place intervening in the civil war on the side of the king's widow, Adelheid. He soon married her and claimed the royal title for himself reducing her rival to the status of margrave. But, Pope Agapetus II refused to grant him the imperial title.
The late 9th and 10th centuries are generally regarded as a dark period in the history of the papacy. Papal elections were dominated by and fiercely contested among the aristicracy of Rome and its region, Latium. In the 160 years between 882 and 1043, there were 45 popes, many ruling for less than a year. Some were murdered and many were driven into exile or imprisoned.
The city wasn't worth much, but the popes were the owners of a mass of rights and lands spanning central Italy. Many of these rights had been granted or confirmed by Charlemagne and his successors. But after the Carolingian empire's collapse, and amid the many troubles of the Italian kingdom, it had come to resemble an individual principality or state.