The equality act


It is against the law to discriminate against:

  • age

  • being or becoming a transsexual person

  • being married or in a civil partnership

  • being pregnant or on maternity leave

  • disability

  • race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin

  • religion, belief or lack of religion/belief

  • sex

  • sexual orientation

These are called ‘protected characteristics’.

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You’re protected from discrimination:

  • at work
  • in education
  • as a consumer
  • when using public services
  • when buying or renting property
  • as a member or guest of a private club or association
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You’re also protected from discrimination if:

  • you’re associated with someone who has a protected characteristic, eg a family member or friend
  • you’ve complained about discrimination or supported someone else’s claim
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How you can be discriminated against

  • direct discrimination - treating someone with a protected characteristic less favourably than others

  • indirect discrimination - putting rules or arrangements in place that apply to everyone, but that put someone with a protected characteristic at an unfair disadvantage

  • harassment - unwanted behaviour linked to a protected characteristic that violates someone’s dignity or creates an offensive environment for them

  • victimisation - treating someone unfairly because they’ve complained about discrimination or harassment

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Chapter 1- Protected characteristics

  • This helps protect people from being discriminated because of their; Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Marriage and civil partnership, Race, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation. 

People need to be accepted and adapt to accommodate to that individuals preference.

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Chapter 1- Protected characteristics

  • This helps protect people from being discriminated because of their; Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Marriage and civil partnership, Race, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation. 

People need to be accepted and adapt to accommodate to that individuals preference.

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Chapter 2- Prohibited conduct

  • Discrimination from pregnancy, disabled people, and gender

  •  Adjustments for a disabled person, there is a duty to change things so the disabled person isn’t discriminated against, failure to do this means there are certain regulations as punishment.

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Part 3 -Services and public functions

  • To ensure preliminary actions are in place on services to aid a person with a disability.

  • To ensure provision on these services is allowed and available

  • To enhance ships and hovercraft so nobody is discriminated against and everyone who wishes to join can join.

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Part 4-Premises

  • To make sure preliminary actions are requested in the premises.

  • To ensure there is a place specified for individuals for disposal and management with it.

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Part 5 –Work

  • Both genders must be treated equally and not discriminated against. To ensure they are both given the same opportunities.

  • Everyone should give everyone respect. No matter what the role you have is.

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Part 6- education

  • Schools must ensure that no one is discriminated against within their education. Everyone should have the same opportunities.

  • This applies mainly to gender, disabilities

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Part 7- Associations

  • An association should not discriminate against a person for their gender, age, disability etc.

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Part 8 – Prohibited conduct: ancillary

  • Anything done by the workers must be acknowledged

  • Anything done must not be discriminated against and make the person feel inferior.

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Part 9- Enforcement

  • The civil courts must not discriminate and must take into consideration of both side.

  • An employment tribunal must have the right time limit and not taken into wrong hands. There must be no discrimination against the employers.

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Part 10- Contracts

  • After contracts are signed the worker has to follow roles and procedures.

  • The employer cannot discriminate against the contract and must also follow the key rules.

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Part 11- Advancement of equality

  • The public sector equality duty ensure that the business must have specific regulations to be able to specify public authorities and also make sure individuals are safe at all times.

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Part 12- Disabled Persons; transport

  • To ensure that disabled people have the things they need to travel on public transport

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Part 13- Disability; Miscellaneous

  • The tenant of a disabled person must ensure that the disabled person has everything they need.

  • The tenant must ensure that discrimination is not taken place.

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Part 14- General exceptions

  • A person does not contravene this Act only by doing, for the purpose of safeguarding national security, anything it is proportionate to do for that purpose

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Part 15- Family Property

  • The fact that men take control of the women’s money is an abolished rule

  • Discrimination against gender sex in the family is now considered as abuse.

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Part 16- General and miscellaneous

  • A tenant cannot say ‘no’ to housing someone because of their sex, gender

  • A tenant cannot discriminate against someone because of who they are.

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